9. conflicted

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9. c o n f l i c t e d

 "How can life be so cruel?" Florence stammered, spitting out the word 'life', which she detested the most

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"How can life be so cruel?" Florence stammered, spitting out the word 'life', which she detested the most. Tears dripped down her face in cascading rivulets, leaving stains on the girl's delicate features.

Anger filled her being, and instead of the falling tears, she could feel a flood of raindrops soak her skin and drip off her chin. In between gasps for air and sobs of misery, Florence was at a loss for words. Her mouth went dry as her mind couldn't produce a single sentiment to aim at her aggressor. Under her very own feet, the floor slowly faded away as she turned to escape her reality in sprints.

As she began running, the floor turned into warping images of dead leaves and trees flying her past her vision, the sensation of anger left and turned to fear as she was being chased by some sort of monster. Vision totally fading away from her now, there was no scenery that she could see to gauge where she was going.

There was a pounding in her head, and some sort of pull that led her in the right direction. But now she couldn't feel anything, either. She knew that she was stepping on twigs and leaping over grown out tree roots, but that was more logical reasoning than concrete evidence. Her whole being was tuned into the pounding in her head that grew even stronger, whose temperature she could feel getting even hotter, whose presence gave her the strength to run even faster.

Florence didn't know what she was running from, where she was going, hell she didn't even know if she was stepping on the ground anymore or floating in midair.

In that moment, she was completely senseless, save for the fear in her head and pounding sensation that guided her to continue.

As she picked up speed, she could tell that she was getting close to wherever the feeling in her head was leading her to. The pounding seemed to lessen, to a slow thump now, and-


Florence blinked her eyes profusely and desperately grabbed on to a tree trunk as her chest started heaving, heart picking up pace again. Her vision had still not fully returned and only while squinting could she make out the world in greyscale.

The girl had hit herself against something- either a person, or a rock- and as she stumbled around on her feet her head started to hurt in a different way, from the impact this time. Losing grip on the tree she was positioned on, her ears got hot as the blood rushed fast from her head and down into her extremities.

The last thing that Florence caught the sight of before she collapsed was a woman with short, black hair running far, far away from her.


Florence searched through her drawers to see where she had left her phone last night. Finding it in one of her many drawers mid-yawn, Flor decided to dial Leah after breakfast and began brushing her teeth in the reflection of her mirror. She had a fairly restless sleep the night before, and felt like she had dreamt something, but couldn't quite recall it.

Senseless | Twilight [ J. Black ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن