Chapter 10 Part 2

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Here's a little treat for following me; you all get the rest of chapter 11 before my followers on Instagram :) I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to vote and comment!!!!

"What?! Demi, how could you?!" Joe fumes while approaching me.

"Alright, lets calm down now," Wilmer says to Joe, holding him back.

"Joe! I didn't! Didn't you see him?! I was backing away, not getting closer!" I say, getting annoyed.

"Yeah, I did see it, you were scooting up next to him. And I also heard what Wilmer said; my brother wouldn't lie to me."

"Oh, and I would?" I say with a raised voice, still furious that Joe doesn't believe me.

"Clearly, with what just happened, I can't trust you." he spits back.

"I think it would be smart for you to leave," Wilmer says sternly, turning towards me.

"Fine," I say, tears welling up in my eyes.

     I bend down to pick up my bag when Joe says,"In case you haven't figured it out, this is over."

     I walk as fast as I can towards the door, trying to keep it together. Once I get outside, I begin to sprint my way home, wiping the tears from my eyes as the wind blows through my hair. I mutter profanity under my breath as I take the short cut through the woods. Not paying much mind to what I was doing, I trip over a root that was coming out of the ground. Having no energy to get up, I just lay there in a bed of leaves that were still moist with mud from the rain of yesterday. While I lay there, I just cry to myself helplessly. Then, I feel my phone begin to buzz in my pocket, snapping me out of my mourning; it's Maddie.

     Quickly, I pull my emotions together and answer with a ,"Hello?" "Demi, I'm scared! I think someone is trying to break down the door! I need you, Demi! Hurry!" her little voice cries out.

"Hide in the closet and don't make any noise! I'll be right there," I instruct her, starting to sprint home.

     I'm such a horrible sister, leaving her alone like that; and it was all for a guy who doesn't even trust me. What a waste. Dallas is gonna be so ashamed of me. God, please keep her safe!

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