Chapter 23 Part 1

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"Do you think she's gonna wake up soon?"

Whispers. I begin to hear frantic whispers. Whispers from Dallas.

"Relax, Dal. The doctor warned us it may be a few hours."

Footsteps. A chair is moved aside and there are pacing footsteps.

"What if she's not okay. What if she isn't the way she used to be. What if the old Demi is just...gone?"

Light. Light is let in suddenly with a piercing glow.

"Dallas, you need to stop worrying before anything's even happened. It's gonna be okay."

Beeping. I hear the beeping of a heart on the machine.

"C'mon, Demi, wake up."

Touch. A touch of Joe's hand on mine. A touch that brings excitement inside of me. I need to see him. Doctor told me to look at Joe. I need to see Joe. I touch his hand back.

"Demi, are you there? Dallas, c'm'ere, I think she's waking up."

Joy. The sound of joy fills the room. I need to see him. I need to see all of them. Open your eyes, Demi.

"Joe, nothing is happening. She's still asleep."

Sorrow and disappointment. It pained me. I can't let her feel this way. I need to wake up.

"No, I swear...she just moved her hand in mine like five seconds ago. It takes some time but I think she's in there.

Hope. Hope that encouraged me to pull through. Let's go, Demi, you can do it, just open your eyes.


"No, wait, look! She's doing it!"

Free. With the flicker of my eyes, I was free. I was free from the darkness. I was free from hurting anyone. I was free from anyone hurting me. I was free from myself. I was free.


Joes eyes filled with tears as he pulled me in for a hug. It felt so good to be back in his arms. I felt safe and I was at peace. I took in his scent from his v-neck, and a smile spread across my face. It seemed like I hadn't felt his touch or breathed his scent in forever. This is how things were supposed to be.

Joe continued to sob, giving me little kisses on my head as he held me close.

"Demi, I'm sorry.."

I felt his tears hit my hospital gown and deep into my bare skin. Bringing my hands up to his face, I pulled his head back so that his eyes were staring into mine.

"Demi, I-"

"Joe, I love you. It's okay," I said airily, unable to produce much sound.

I gave him a look of reassurance and smiled, showing him I was okay. Soon, as I hoped, a smile graced his face. A smile I hadn't seen so big since the day he asked me out. His happiness was mine.

"Demi, I'm here."

Dallas. It looked like Dallas. I felt her gentle hand fall over mine as she sat on my bedside. She was smiling, but holding back the tears in her eyes.

"It's okay," I mouthed.

Although I was the one who was sick, I appeared to be doing most of the comforting. It made sense though. I can only imagine the pain they're going through. While I was being abused, both mentally and physically, they were left in the dark to assume the unknown; that must've been heartbreaking. I opened my arms, allowing Dallas to come crashing in. She sobbed, nuzzling her face into my shoulder. My gown was big on me, and slipped off my shoulder. As she let out her bottled-up emotions, I felt my arm become soaked with tears.

"Demi, I thought I had lost you. With Daddy gone, I couldn't imagine losing anyone else, especially you. I thought my biggest fears were realized. I thought you were gone forever..."

Looking at the pain in her eyes, and watching the tears stream down, I found myself starting to cry too. After wiping the tears from her face, I pulled her back into a hug and held her tight, with no intention on letting go. Through all the pain, I felt so much love; and I was so glad God didn't take me from it so soon.

Love. I felt love, and with it brought security. I was safe, and I was loved, and that's all that really mattered.

Dark Side is almost over! Comment on your overall impression so far. I need 10 comments before I continue. Thanks for all the support 💜

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