Chapter 11 Part 2

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     I rushed into the bathroom stall and quickly locked it. Knowing no one used these bathrooms, I let the tears flow out of me; and all the emotions I had been holding in this past month came out at an instant. Soon, my face was drenched in tears and my body was cringing together in a fold. I began to shake and tears came out uncontrollably; I was no longer in control of my body. My stomach began to hurt and I felt I was going to get sick; so I bent over the toilet and let it all out.

"What's wrong with me," I sob as I try to calm myself down.

"Get it together. Don't show pain. You're better than this," I say with a clenched jaw, wiping away my tears.

     As soon as I get myself to sop crying, I take a deep breath and open the stall door. Then, I approach a sink and turn it on, wanting to wash my tears away. Finally, I realize it's going to be obvious I was crying no matter what I do, so I leave the bathroom in defeat. First class of the day is English; thank God I picked the back row on that first day. Nevertheless, everyone stared as I took that long walk to my seat. Luckily, Mrs. Mussleman got us started right away on a prompt, making very one focus their attention on her.

"Everyone take out your journals. Today's prompt is: what is the biggest character flaw one could have, and why. You'll have 15 minutes to do this."

     I took out my journal and began to write about braking people's hearts. I bit my lip while writing, not wanting to get too emotional over it; but I needed to let my emotion out. My pen danced across the page in a rapid manner, pouring out my pain. In what seemed to be no time at all, the buzzer went off and we had to put our pens down.

"Demi, would you like to share with us?" Mrs. Mussleman asks.

"Uhh...wel, umm," I stutter, trying to remain calm.

"I'll read mine," someone volunteers. "Go ahead, Corinne."

"I think the worst character trait one can have is being a pig. When a girl and a boy are ration, they should be loyal to each other," Corinne says with sass, occasionally looking up at me," which means they shouldn't be caught cheating, like, I don't know, making out with their boyfriend's brother. Because that's when you will be known as the school tramp, and no one will want to get near you in fear of touching your whoreish disease."

"Ok, I think that's quite enough," Mrs. Mussleman says.

     But her words are drowned out because people begin to laugh, and and stare, and whisper; and I begin to die inside, holding back my tears as best as I can.

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