Chapter 20 Part 1

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"Everything that's brought you here this day goes way back to when you were just a child. You probably don't remember much of it, but that day is as clear as anything in my mind; it was the day I met your father. It was an ordinary day like any other. Mom and Dad were getting ready for a date, and Joe and I were getting ready to go play baseball. Just as we were about to leave, I smelt something strange. Once I stepped outside my room, I noticed our apartment was engulfed in flames, and smoke was everywhere. I tried to find Joe and escape, but he was trapped. Firemen soon came and started to rush us out, leaving Joe alone inside. I was screaming and fidgeting around, trying to get help for Joe, but no one seemed to listen. No one, that is, but your father, Eddie. He heard my cries and went back up into the building for Joe, and saved him. If it weren't for him, I don't know if Joe would be here today. Joe was not only my brother, but my best friend. I couldn't bare losing him. Therefore, I felt in a great debt to Eddie. After the incident, we became close with him and I started to do services for him, like mowing the lawn and trimming the bushes, that sort of thing. It's not because Eddie told me to, but because of that debt I felt I owed. He became like a father to me, after I lost both my parents in the accident. See? That's why you knew Joe so well growing up! Not because of school, but because we were at your house all the time, and that's why. That man inspired me so much that I did a training clinic with the fire and rescue and police force as soon as I turned 16. Time passed and soon I was off at college, so I didn't see Eddie much. However, making friends with a lawyer at college gave me many links to people, and I soon came into contact with Eddie again. From my friend, I found out that he had been in to make his will, and I was in it! You're probably wondering how this is possible, considering he left you and your sisters all the money. Well, I was to receive this money if you all couldn't. For example, what if you all were underage at his death, or dead? Paying my way through college, in immense debt, and still responsible for Joe, I was in desperate need of money, and I needed it fast. So what did I do? You probably thought I planned on murder right away, right? Wrong! This isn't all about killing, Demi. This is about creating a stable environment for me and Joe so we could have a better future. First, I tried talking to your old man. I didn't outright ask for money at first. Instead, I made casual conversation and asks about the whole legal process of will making, acting like an intrigued student. Of course, he shared with me and soon became excited about our conversation and slipped some things he shouldn't have, like the unusual way needed to get into his vault, and where exactly it was. I'll spare you from the details of that conversation for now, we'll come back to that later. But after gaining this information, I came to the conclusion that I had only two options: ask Eddie for the money up front, or kill him. The first option, as I suspected, was rejected. 'I wanna give the money to my only lasting legacy. I love you Wilmer, but family comes first,' he told me. Well ya know what, I was suffering! But who cares, right? Leave me to fend for myself, and I will do anything I can to get what I need. And so I did, I did the only thing left I could do, I planned and carried out the murder of Eddie DeLaGarza-."

When he says this, I can't help but shudder and look away. I can't believe this was the motivating force behind it all. All Wilmer wanted was a little money to get by. Why'd it have to go this far?

"I'm sorry, Demi. Am I frightening you?"

I shake my head vigorously, still staring at the floor with tears in my eyes. I didn't want to look into his eyes; they showed so much bloodthirsty anger, mixed with sorrow, and hatred. The joy seemed to have escaped him, and all the feelings he had been hiding away came out. It was written all over his face, and I didn't want to read it.

"Good. Because I'm only getting started. Now where were we?"

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