Chapter 29

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"Noniiiii," the eight year old girl called in a singsong voice. "Prince Noniiiii." 

The 'prince' in question scowled at the nickname as he leaned against the dome on the playground late at night. The only time he ever came out of the dome was to see her, but only after dark when all the other children went home. 

"That's a girl's name," he grumbled as the girl reached him. 

"It's a pretty name," she defended. She noted the fresh bruises on the boy's face and arms, but she was reluctant to say anything for fear of the boy hiding away back in his dome again. The boy was always bruised in some form, and though she didn't know how they occurred, it didn't stop her little mind from imagining all different scenarios. Superhero, mafia... 

He scoffed, but a small smile danced on his face. the little girl loved his smile, loved even more that it was only for her. Before she realized what the boy was doing, he revealed some flowers from behind his back, probably freshly picked from the school garden nearby. It took her a moment to realize he was gifting them to her. 

The little girl was used to receiving all kinds of gifts from the boys at the playground. Her father had taught her how to decline 'courtship' gifts from boys since kindergarten, when she had come home on Valentine's Day with her backpack filled with chocolates. As a five year old, she didn't realize that accepting a gift also implied accepting a boy's feelings. 

"It may feel rude rejecting these gifts, but make sure to stay kind yet firm," her father used to say. She was too young to receive courtship gifts at her age, even as an eight year old. She also didn't understand why any girl would want to date a dirty boy on the playground. She claimed she would only marry a prince, vowed it that day to her father. 

She took the flowers from the boy with a smile, smelling them gently. He wasn't a storybook prince by any means, no. But since the first day they had met, she had decided he was her prince. 

My eyes felt heavy, and I was shivering when I finally came to. However, I was no longer on the cold ground, but laying on my mattress in my dorm. Kiera sat beside me, gently stroking my hair as I came to. Her smile was warm, but her brows furrowed in concern. 

"Fay? Hey..." she soothed as I slowly opened my eyes fully. "You're safe. We're back at the dorm." 


"the woman that attacked you ran off before we could catch her," Kiera finished for me. "campus security is keeping an eye out though. Noah should be back any minute, he ran to the store to get you some ice. You hit your head pretty hard." 

Noah. My mind whirred as I struggled to process the details of tonight. I spoke with Seth, my mother found me, Noah... I didn't even know what to think with Noah. The fact that Kiera saw my mother attack me was totally on the back burner. I struggled to sit up, but immediately my head began to pound and black dots edged my vision. 

"Christ, Fay, take it easy," Kiera admonished gently as she supported my torso, propping me up on a pillow. "Are you okay? You're scaring me. Should we go to the hospital-" 

Kiera was cut off by the click of the door opening. Noah slipped inside quietly, and in the back of my mind I seemed to acknowledge what a haggard state he was in. He had dark circles under his eyes, his shirt was stretched and torn, and he had three bloody claw marks on his cheek next to a swollen lip. I didn't have to ask to know it was my mother's doing. 

"Is she okay?" my voice came out monotone, but I couldn't help but worry. She was crazy and sick, but she was my mother. While I didn't quite understand how I felt towards her, I knew I didn't want anyone to hurt her. Especially not Noah. 

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