Chapter 4

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"Where did you go last night?" Kiera asked me the next morning. 

I blinked, unsure of how to answer. Noah was right, he did keep it a secret. "I wasn't feeling well," I said. It wasn't exactly a lie. 

"It was kind of stuffy, right?" she asked, not even seeing through me. "I asked Charles to drive me back. The guys were kind of rapey, don't you think?" 

I flinched at the word. "Yea, they were creepy." 

She wrapped her arm over my shoulders as we walked to class. "I'm glad you're okay though. I was kind of worried, yanno? You're so small, it makes me want to wrap you in bubble wrap." 

Fragile. I shrugged off her arm. "I'm perfectly strong." Even my statement was weak. I knew it was a lie, and so did Kiera. 

Her smile, however, wasn't condescending or judgemental. It was soft and genuine. "There's nothing wrong with being a little innocent. Innocence is so rare these days, yanno? It's cute." 

I blushed a furious red. "I'm not cute." 

"See? Cute," she laughed. "Seriously though. I think it's good you're a little innocent. You haven't been hurt by the world yet." 

My heart constricted. Was Kiera hurt by the world too? I couldn't help but feel ashamed for judging her before. All this time, I had only seen her as a potential predator. Now, I could see a small shadow behind her eyes, like a wounded inner child that peeked at the world for only a small moment. 

Just as quick as it came, it was gone. "Oh, there's Charles." 

My eyes widened and I froze as Charles bounded over. His eyes widened when he saw me next to Kiera. "Hey," he stopped a few feet away, avoiding eye contact. 

Even as he avoided eye contact, nothing could mask the huge shiner on his cheekbone that was already purple. 

"Are you okay?" Kiera gasped. "Oh God, did I somehow smack you-?" 

"No, no!" Charles insisted, holding his hands up. "Nothing like that..." 

He glanced over at me only for a second, but I could feel guilt radiating off of him like must. The air was thick. 

"You don't look good," Kiera murmured. "Maybe you should go back to the dorm? We can bring your assignments over." 

He was still looking at me, as if asking permission. "Did you guys get home safe?" 

"You brought me back, remember?" Kiera spoke. "And Fay... How did you get home?" 

I jolted at the sound of my name. "Oh, I walked." It wasn't a lie. I had to walk up the hill after Noah left me at the hospital. The bus wasn't going that late at night.

"You walked?" both of them gasped, making me jump. 

"Fay, you can't just walk alone at night," Kiera chastised. "There are crazies out! What if something happened?" 

I felt tears prick my eyes. Dammit, I was such a crybaby. "I-I'm sorry," I avoided eye contact, hoping to hide the fact that I was crying over something so trivial. 

"No, no, Fay, don't cry," her arms wrapped around me, taking me by surprise. "I'm not mad at you, I was just worried." 

Worried? Did people raise their voices like that when they were concerned? I remembered Noah snapping at me in a similar manner at the hospital. Did that mean he was worried too? 

I pulled away and wiped my cheeks. "Sorry, I cry easy," I said lamely. 

"Ahh, I just wanna wrap you in bubble wrap," she whined. "Come on before we are late to class." 


"Fay," I flinched at the sound of Charles's voice behind me. He seemed hesitant to approach me, and kept his distance. "You have English, right? Wanna walk together?" 

Part of me wanted to say no. I wanted to run and scream and bury myself somewhere safe. I wished I wasn't so timid, maybe more assertive like Kiera. But with his purple eye and his guilty face, I remembered what Noah said at the hospital. 'I don't think he knew...' 

I gave a curt nod and fell into step next to him, hugging my notebook to my chest. Once we left the main hallway and were out of earshot from other students, he suddenly stopped. 

I turned, and he was staring down at his shoes, nervous energy radiating off him in waves. Then he looked up. "I'm so sorry, Fay," he blurted. "I really had no idea... god if something had happened.... I really didn't know they spiked the drink." 

My heart was pounding in my ears. He was apologizing, why did I feel like I did something wrong? 

"I felt horrible when Noah told me," he said. "But I promise, I won't tell anyone. I didn't even tell Kiera. I'm really sorry, and I understand if you won't forgive me-" 

"I forgive you," the words came out of my mouth quickly. I realized I actually meant it. "It's not your fault." 

Relief filled his face almost instantly, but I could still sense guilt behind his eyes. If he were faking his guilt, he would have an Oscar in acting. In a way, I also found myself realizing I believed Noah. 

"Charles," I murmured, gesturing to his eye. "Did... did Noah do that?" 

"Ah," he scratched his neck, eyes darting back to the ground. "given everything, I totally deserve it, so don't worry." 

Noah punched Charles? For me? Why did he do that? My brain spun, and suddenly guilt hit me. "I'm sorry." 

"Why are you sorry?" 

"He punched you because-" 

"It's not your fault. Like I said, I deserved it for giving you a spiked drink," he insisted. "Even if it was an accident, something serious could've happened if he hadn't found you." 

I scuffed my shoes against the sidewalk. "Still, he didn't need to punch you." 

"You know, I really thought Noah Pierce was a jackass," he said. "In a way, he still kind of is. He's super rude for no reason and most of his behavior is uncalled for. But the way he protected you last night? I hate to say it, but he has my respect as a man." 

I felt my cheeks burn. "What?" 

"A lot of guys would turn a blind eye to a girl getting taken home by a guy," he said. "Even me, I'm not very confrontational. But he stepped in. He didn't even care that the guy was a lacrosse player. I wish I had been there to see it. I heard Noah is terrifying when he's pissed." 

My heart pounded at his explanation, and I felt my brain swirling with the fuzzy memories of that night. "W-we're gonna be late," I stammered, trying to calm my pounding heart. 

"Are we good?" he asked shyly as we walked. 

I gave him a small smile, and I realized how genuine I felt when I spoke. "We're good." 

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