With a sigh, she was contemplating whether she was going to wake this guy up, and for a moment she thought of Edel. Oh, come to think of it, Edel was the guy who mastered Kaya's wake-up technique. Truly the demonic gay.

Wait, how did Edel wake him up again?

"Do I have anything to eat?"

There were no pockets in the school uniform, so she opened the small bag she was carrying on the side. Fortunately, there was chocolate that had been swept from the kitchen. There's no candy.

Once she picked up a piece of chocolate and unwrapped it, she shoved it into his mouth. She thought he was going to spill it because he was still sleeping, but this guy opened his mouth and the chocolate went in. Oh, that's interesting...


He didn't even show any signs of waking up after she had yelled and pounded him like that, but he tossed and turned with just a chocolate bar. Not succumbing to this, she stroked his forehead. As she was doing this, she felt like a summoner who was going through some summoning steps. Oh, is that right? She's summoning his spirit.

...Let's not go around and talk about this.


She was startled by the small voice of the guy who opened his eyes faintly for a moment. Uh, does this guy know Arietta? She had a confusion with some information for a while, but she soon regained her composure. Come to think of it, Arietta was like a celebrity at this academy. It would be weird if an individual doesn't know her.

She was now watching a completely awakened dude as he raised his upper body.

The guy rolled the chocolate in his mouth and rubbed his eyes. Ha, so it's true? She barely swallowed a sigh. That's cute. It was truly indescribable cuteness.


...But he's a gay.

"Why are you sleeping here?"

She opened her mouth, focusing her gaze on the green eyes looking back at her. At her words, he tilted his head for a moment. Did she already mention that this guy is so cute...? Maybe it's because he was younger.

"Wind, good."

Ah, what?

Oh, was it he was sleeping here because of the wind? For a moment, she looked at him with a sullen face. She really wanted to tell him something from the bottom of her heart.

I want to say it! Can I say it?

"Hey, if you sleep in a place like this, your back will hurt."

At her sincere advice, he looked at her as if he was thinking for a moment, and nodded quietly.


Then he looked at her and asked.

"Chocolate, do you have more?"

She has a lot of chocolate. But she didn't know why he was asking for that, so she looked at him suspiciously. He stared at her face, then soon saw her bag with the zipper open. And the piles of chocolate in it.

"Give me."

...Look at this shameless fellow.

She was almost furious at him for trying to rob her chocolate, but she put her anger on hold for a moment when Kaya opened his mouth the next moment.

Dude, you're better than I thought.


In the end, she gently opened the package and put the chocolate in his mouth. As he ate the chocolate, Kaya smiled as if he was satisfied.

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