Chapter 21 Outside Safe Haven

Start from the beginning

"You know you can't pull that whole hero act on me," Skylor stated with a smirk.

"I can hardly do it with that stare you give me. You sure that isn't you're actual elemental power?" Kai asked.

"What element would that even be?" Skylor questioned while wrapping her arm around her boyfriend's.

"I don't know! But it's powerful as heck..." Skylor smirked before kissing his cheek.

"You're sweet."

"You're sweeter~"

"Shut up!" Skylor exclaimed before laughing out loud.


Meanwhile, Cole and Seliel were busily at work. They returned to the earth master's apartment and practically destroyed the kitchen with all their baking.

"No don't--"


A cloud of powder consumed the air, turning the two as white as snow.

A dry cough escaped Cole's mouth before giving a ghost of a smile towards the pink haired girl.

"Too much flour?" he asked his scowling friend. Seliel rolled her eyes in response.

"Got any towels?" The earth master nodded before walking away. As she watched him go, though, Seliel couldn't help but grow a smile. She let out a small sigh while leaning forward over the counter.


The warrior glanced over to the phone at the end of the messy counter.

Cole's phone.

She ignored the sound, but the dinging continued.


Ring! Ring! Ring!

Seliel glanced over at it finally, seeing the name stretched across the caller ID.


Heavy foot steps grew, causing the young woman to look up.

"Hey, I think your dad's calling you," Seliel remarked. She noticed the sudden frown replacing Cole's smile. He handed her a towel before picking up his phone. The ringing stopped, and the sound of tapping keys scattered underneath his fingers. "You good?"

"Yeah, I'll just call him back later," Cole answered, but Seliel couldn't help but hear the shift in his tone. She wanted to press. Her mouth, though, seemed to be glued shut.

"Hey, how about--"


The two turned towards the faint sound.

"You hear that?" Seliel asked while heading over to window.

"Yeah..." Cole answered as he followed closely behind. After pulling back the curtains, the two noticed a shadowy figure in the far distance. They could tell that it was enormous due to its body sticking over the trees.

"What the heck is that..." Seliel trailed off. The two friends glanced between themselves before heading for the door.

They rushed out so fast that Cole forgot his phone.

The latest text from his father read:

Hey son, how's Marty Oppenheimer?

Cole's reply hung loosely underneath:

Great! Can't wait to see you next week.


Lloyd picked up the pace. He couldn't find any students wandering around the woods, but the ear-splitting roar just now definitely grabbed his attention.

"Wait! Wait up!" Lloyd snapped his attention towards the sight of--

"Jay?!" the blonde rushed over to the lightning master who was doubled over, gasping for air. Jay's head shot up at the sound of the teen professor.

"Crud..." he muttered. Jay straightened himself and cracked a wide grin. "Hey Lloyd!"

"What are you doing--"

"Caw! Caw!" The two looked up to see falcon spinning around their heads. It dove towards Jay and started yanking his sleeve.

"Okay, okay! I'm coming," Jay whined before following the black bird.

"Hey! Hold on!" Lloyd called out, but the lightning master was already gone.


Lloyd jumped once more. He shook his head before following the sound.


Luckily, both Lloyd and Jay arrived at the same scene. A humongous crustacean, Zane, and a technological samurai filled their vision, causing a lost for words.

"What the HECK IS THAT!?" Jay cried. Lloyd didn't respond. All he managed to focus on was the samurai using violet glowing ropes. They had wrapped them around the creature's legs while Zane tossed tiny metal pieces into its mouth. The crustacean roared in agony, but it refused to back down.

The ice master turned at the sound of Jay's voice.

"We could use some assistance!" Zane called out. His eyes landed somewhere else. Lloyd followed his gaze to see a smashed tiny contraption on the ground, sparking every which way.

The two young men finally snapped out of their shock and rushed towards the fight. Jay grabbed a hold of the ropes while Lloyd created bursts of energy, aiming it at the beast.

"No! Don't--"


The Cala-Pod opened its mouth wide and ate the energy ball whole. It licked its lips in delight before growing in size. Samurai and Jay held the ropes as tight as they could, but they were practically dragged as the crustacean charged for Lloyd. Zane dashed towards the two and joined in the pulling. The creature growled as Lloyd jumped out of the way. Zane lifted one hand and blasted ice at the ground. The Cala-Pod slipped and skidded backwards. Its crab legs grew more tangled by the ropes, taking all the students with it. Lloyd raced to save them, but a tentacle latched around his stomach, dragging him down with them. The whole group flew back until they fazed through the college's force field, leaving nothing behind but silence...

A/n: I just looove cliff hangers don't I? See you all next time 😁😎👍

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