Day Twenty-Eight (New Year's)

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So, here it is. The last day of the in-game year. Hard to believe so much time has passed since we started this whole adventure.

Paintbrush lost their fame level again. They just keep fading in and out, don't they?

Lightbulb started playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the guitar at 4 A.M., as you do. She's actually starting to play pretty decently.

Despite being hungry, Volkie yeeted the food off of her high chair and onto the floor two times when it was given to her. It's like she wants to be taken away by CPS or something.

I set everyone with New Year's resolutions, and I casually forgot Lightbulb was pregnant and set her resolution as "Lose weight". I'm so god damn stupid. I wanna slap myself so hard. (I mean, she'll probably have the baby either tomorrow or the day after anyways so she'll still have 5-6 days to get it done.)

Speaking of which, I should mention that Lightbulb is now in the third trimester, so the baby should be born any day now.

Paintbrush completed their resolution to level up in a skill very quickly.

11 P.M. came, and then it was time for everyone to watch the midnight countdown (minus Volkie, who had been put to bed a few hours ago.) Poor Lightbulb was exhausted, but she pushed through for the sake of New Year's. What a trooper. Midnight finally struck, the year came to an end, and everyone was able to celebrate the countdown except Fan, who missed it because he was upstairs comforting Volkie after she had a nightmare. Everyone conked out immediately after.

And so, that was the first year, officially done for. What a year it's been, too. The new year has officially begun, and I'm hoping it's gonna be just about as bizarre as the last one has been.

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