At the office.

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Gaeges POV
"Hey Liv." I said walking into the office "Hey Gaege." She replied damn she cute I thought "How are you?" "I'm good you?" "Yeah I'm doing fine. Any plans today?" "I've got to film a video. Actually I was meant to ask could you join me?" "Yeah what's the vid about?" I asked "Answering questions my followers want to know." "Okay." "You alright there love birds?" Asked lannan walking in "For god sake we're not dating!" Yelled Liv "Ooo sorry." Cooed lannan "I'll see you later." Said Liv walking off "So." Said lannan "So what?" I asked "Comon dude we all know you like her." He said whispering "Well yeah but she wouldn't like me back." "Why don't I ask Tannar to ask Liv if she likes you." "Ahh I don't know man." "to late the message is sent." He said laughing "Wow thanks dude." I said sarcastically "Your welcome." He replied. "I'll let you know how it goes." He said walking off. I mean she is cute tho I thought to myself.

Time skip after recording with Liv

Still Gaege POV
I just finished recording with Liv it went well I guess *ping ping I look down at my phone to see

The guy from fortnite
(Lannan in text)

Gaege Liv likes you

No way really?

Yeah mate
Sends screen shots*


Well are you going to ask her out?

I don't know.

Well if you don't i will

Okay I will keep you updated

Good luck cunt


I can't believe she likes me I thought.

(On phone)
"Hey Liv"

"Hey Gaege. You good?"

"Ye I-I'm going to the bar tonight with mully Josh Lannan and Isla wanna come?"

"Yeah sure. What time?"

"I'll pick you up at 8?"

"See you at 8."


(We hung up)

Time skip to 8:00

I pull up at Liv's house I see her walk out in a beautiful shiny tight short black dress with a gold chained small hand bag. "Are you okay?" She asked "Gaege?" "Y-yeah I'm fine." I said "Are you sure?" She asked "Yeah I'm fine y-you just look beautiful." I said she blushed a little as I said those words. She walked up to the car as I opened the door for her she got into the car and I drove to the bar.

Australia (Gaege Gibson X Liv Bev)Where stories live. Discover now