"What? Don't be a fool. I give him considerations... and he asked that..."

"Considerations? I heard a rumor you've been giving him more than just considerations." Ciel's eyes widened, and he looked away from Alois, looking for Sebastian again.

"What? No, that's..." Ciel paused, knowing he was caught and looked back to the blonde, who was grinning madly.

"Oooo, so you did, that handsome carpenter wasn't lying! No wonder you can't keep your eyes off him... if I'd had Sebastian naked in my bed, it's all I'd ever think about... did he really break your headboard? James said..."

"Shut up..." Ciel whispered quietly, terribly embarrassed, sighing as he allowed himself to be led across the dance floor for a final round. "I'm not talking about this..."

"Come on! Tell me!" Ciel looked around quickly to ensure they were at least out of earshot from their butlers, blushing furiously.

"Be quiet!" Ciel hissed, glaring up at Alois as they danced. The blonde giggled and licked his lips, leaning closer to hear Ciel's reply. "Yes... he broke the headboard..." Alois laughed loudly and Ciel felt as though he could melt into the floor, hiding himself as best he could behind his dance partner.


"And? There is no 'and'... I'm not going to give you a detailed account, if that's what you're after, lecherous spider." Alois pouted and ignored the insult.

"Ugh. I'm so jealous... What did you do that made him lash out? Did he scream? Was he naked?" As the music began to slow Alois lowered his voice, whispering in Ciel's ear. "Did he make you cum?" Ciel was still blushing, and his eyes widened at the vulgarity of the questions. He looked around for Sebastian, their eyes meeting for only a split second before he was whisked away once more.

"Jesus, Trancy! I said no!" Ciel stepped on Alois' foot hard, and the blonde laughed, the hand that held Ciel's slender waist strayed lower, grasping a handful of his ass. The bluenette jerked Alois' hand back to his waist once again.

"Please?? I want to know...." Alois whined and the bluenette shook his head adamantly.

"I'm not going to tell you."

"But if you come home with us... they'll keep each other busy, and you can tell me everything!"

"No..." Alois pouted as the song slowed and Ciel, who was absolutely fed up with the conversation, shook his head, sapphire eye glaring up into sky blue ones. "I told you no. I meant it. And I've had just about enough of you lusting after my butler." The blonde's pout melted away and he smirked, curious as to what was hidden between the lines.

"Oh, have you now? He's only your butler, after all... and you're greedy; I think you should share him with me... and I'll share Claude with you."

"No. I've seen how you treat your butler, and Claude is equally as vindictive. You would be cruel to him." Ciel answered quietly as they stopped, the song finally coming to an end. They took their bows, and the young Lord took several steps away from his blonde companion, straightening his skirts as he backed away. He felt violated from being held so long against his will, and when he laid eyes upon their respective butlers he shuddered; both sets of jewel toned eyes fixed solely upon him.

"I... would be cruel... to him." Alois repeated slowly, eyebrow raised. Ciel looked away, panicking, and whispered fiercely.

"Yes, and I won't have him being abused. Now, shut up." As the demons approached, both Lords went quiet, glaring at one another. Alois took a step towards Claude and offered a hand to him. Claude bowed, kissing his knuckles gently before standing again. Sebastian smiled down at Ciel and the bluenette stepped closer to him, bumping his butler's side with his elbow. Sebastian smiled and slipped his hand around Ciel's waist, keeping him close. Ciel tensed a little, but crimson eyes smiled down at him. "Sebastian..." he whispered, but the butler shook his head, indicating silence was prudent.

"Claude... Ciel won't share with me." Alois pouted pitifully, putting on his best spoiled noble tone and expression.

"No?" Claude asked, looking from Ciel to Sebastian and back again, eyebrow raised.

"No. He says I'll be cruel to his butler... he doesn't want me to break him..." Sapphire eye widened and Ciel's jaw dropped; he had assumed the conversation had been strictly between the two of them, and silently scolded himself for his honesty. Claude smirked, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, eyes fixed on Ciel in a suggestive gaze. The look made the young Lord shift uncomfortably, and he took a step behind Sebastian to hide from the intense, golden eyes.

"That's very... sweet of you, Lord Phantomhive." Claude said flatly, leaning his head a little to keep Ciel in his eyeline, lustful smile curling his lips. Sebastian sighed loudly and glared at Claude, meanwhile, the bluenette looked back and forth between the two of them, flustered and at a loss for words.

"That's not what I said... Sebastian, I didn't say that... Alois tell him I didn't say that..."

"You did, too... and what makes you think I would abuse your butler anyway? Claude, am I cruel? Do I abuse you?" Claude snatched Alois up from the floor and held him like a bride, cradling him close.

"No, your Highness." Claude's reply was monotone, lacking any true conviction, and he glanced at Trancy for only a moment before his eyes flitted back to Ciel. Their eyes met briefly before Ciel looked away, taking Sebastian's hand, squeezing his fingers gently. "I'm afraid this conversation is a bit... inappropriate for the ball." He looked down at Alois, with a cold, unfeeling gaze. "Would you prefer we continue in the private gardens?" Alois' face lit up and he giggled, wrapping his arms around Claude's shoulders, pulling himself up into more of a seated position. Claude frowned as his Master pulled and tugged at him until he was comfortable.

"Yes! That's a splendid idea! Ciel, come to the gardens..." Sebastian felt his hand tugged and looked down to Ciel, who shook his head discretely.

"Young Master, I have already spoken with Claude. We cannot decline the invitation." Ciel frowned, confused and Sebastian smiled half-heartedly. With a sigh, the young Lord nodded.

"Fine... go on. We'll follow you." Alois squealed with excitement and Claude turned on his heel, heading towards the door. Sebastian motioned Ciel to follow and the bluenette stood on tiptoe, whispering into his ear. "I didn't tell him..." Sebastian smiled and touched his chin gently.

"I know, kitten. But you cannot hide this from them. Remember, they share a bond, much like our own." As soon as they were hidden in the crowd, Ciel took Sebastian's hand again, squeezing his fingers gently. Sebastian smiled and returned the covert gesture and ushered him through the door and out towards the gardens.

Children's Games (a Sebaciel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now