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For that year have gone passed, Jennie did her best to make the salon in the U.S successful just like how she did in Korea. It is now well-known in the U.S since Korean hairstyles became a trend, and they have influenced the Americans.

"Kim's family have won the most high quality customer service in salon industry. Let's all welcome this beautiful and young lady, Miss Jennie Kim!" The interviewer said and the audience gave her a round of applause.

Jennie sat down onto the couch, wearing a very well presented outfit. She looks elegantly beautiful.

"Thank you Miss Jennie for coming here and giving us the opportunity to talk to you... the audiences are also very glad to see you in person.." The interviewer said with a smile on his face, "Anyway Miss Jennie, we heard that you live with you grandparents here, and it's only been a year but you already made the salon very famous in the U.S... I see Korean hairstyles almost everywhere! I thought I'm not in U.S but in Korea now." he chuckled.

Jennie softly laughed, "I--I also didn't expect this to happen but since I'm too motivated to do all this... I made it successful in just a year."

The interviewer's eyebrow furrowed, "May we know what's behind of that motivation?"

Jennie lowered her head with a smile and then took a deep breathe before she put her head's up high, then she wore a wider smile, "It's someone... that I know."

"Ooohhhh..." The audience said in chorus in a bit of disappointed tone.

"Sooo... the audience seems like they are looking forward to know if you are single or not." He laughed, "If you don't mind Miss Jennie...."

Jennie looked around the audience then smiled, "Oh well... it's really complicated and it's been really challenging for us... we haven't seen each other for a year."

The audience started getting invested to listen, some of them became sad.

Jennie took a deep breathe, "We don't even have any communication for a year...... and sadly, up until now."

"Woah... what happened?? That's an interesting story to be heard... how come that you haven't seen or talked for a year? How will you be sure if that someone still loves you?" The interviewer looks like he also wanted to know.

"That's the hardest part of it.... you aren't sure what's going on between our lives... But I know that someone is aware what's going on with mine since.... I can be seen anywhere now... while me? no... I don't have any idea what's going on...." Jennie showed a sad smile, "But I hope... that someone.... is doing okay... that's the only thing I want." she added.

Jennie felt hurt on her throat the way she hardly tried to avoid from crying.

"That's a sad story to hear.... but I hope that someone you know is really doing okay... and WE hope that you'll see each other once again... One year is already long......" He took a deep sigh, "Anyways, as long as we wanted to know more about it... but I think Miss Jennie Kim still deserves some privacy, so let's just all hope that someday, we will see both of them in the television.... Let's wait for that to happen." He smiled and the audience clapped their hands as their response of being agreed, "Thank you once again Miss Jennie Kim for coming in here... see you again next time!"

"Thank you very much... and thank you everyone!" Jennie smiled as she bowed her head and went out the studio.


Jennie's grandpa was waiting for her outside to pick her up, and she immediately hopped in to avoid paparazzi since she became famous because of her success and beauty which made her perfect as a CEO of a salon.

"You did great, Jen." Her grandpa said as she started driving away.

Jennie widely smiled, "Thank you, papa... you always cheer me up."

"I know it's been so hard for you... and I'm so proud of you for still doing your best despite of what you are going through.... First love? Yeah, that's the hardest one to forget and let go." He said while his focus is just in the road.

Jennie stayed silent, she already told them about her and Lisa and both of her grandparents accepted her and they are very proud of Jennie for how she overcome all of it. They don't find any problems of loving the same gender as her.

As much as they wanted to connect her with Lisa, they can't do anything about it since it's in the rules of her mother. Jennie just decided to don't do anything that can make her mother angry, or else, she'll let her live there for the rest of her life.

That's why all she did is to make the salon successful to make her go back in Korea, she did what her mother wants...

She just hoped that Lisa's still there, also waiting for her... IF ONLY IF she knew the reason behind why she's in the U.S since Jennie wasn't sure if Jisoo told her about it.

Her love for Lisa didn't changed at all despite of having no communication and for not seeing each other for that long months. Her connection with Lisa became strong the time they became so close to each other and made some unforgettable memories that she cherish everyday.

Even though they didn't set any label to their relationship, they both knew that they truly love each other before Jennie left Korea.

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