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"How you like that that that that.....🎶" I sang my lungs out while driving with my windows down... aaaahhh, fresh air..... I needed that!

"kroooochhhssshhh"~~ (*'へ'*)
"WHUUUT!? I'm hungry againnnn??! Aiiishhh!" I shouted while rubbing my stomach.

I looked around to find where I can buy food.

"Where do you wanna eat my precious tummy??" I talked to myself like usual, like a little kid.

"I'm still a bit far away from Jisoo, I can't drive any longer, I badly need to fill my tummy...."

After a few minutes of driving, finally.... I found nothing else but McDonald's, LMAO... as always.

"Yah, Jennie Kim, do you still remember that you swore that you're not going to eat Mcdonald's for weeks?" I scolded myself.

"...... arghg, but what can I do, I'm really really hungryyy!!

why do I even care that much about her? I'm not affected! Duhh!" I quickly went out from my car and ran into the store without thinking twice.

"Good morning, ma'am!" The crew staff greeted on me.

"Uhm, just a double bulgogi burger... please upgrade the fries into large, same with the drinks, I'll go with coke zero too... and uhmmm...

I don't think that's enough, what should I add...

.... add a six pieces of chicken nuggets and a chocolate sundae..." I widely smiled, "That's all." I added and gave my credit card.

"Alright ma'am, dine in or take out?"

"Uhh, I guess I'll just eat in my car soooo, take out."

Why didn't I just took the drive-thru then? stoopid meee...

I waited for my order and went out the store. As I walked down towards my car, I saw someone familiar.

"W-Was that L-Lisa? ...." I adjusted my vision and slowly went closer to her, "Lisa?" I spoke.

She looked at me.

"Oh, it's you Lisa!" I happily shouted after seeing someone I know.

She slightly smiled at me and continued to walk, which there is me, being left in the middle of the parking lot. I was so confused, why the hell would she slightly smile and just leave after without saying any word? Or at least saying good bye?

"What was that?! Do I look different? Orrr, was that really Lisa?!" I looked at her again, watching her from her back.

"That's really Lisa... but why? tssssss, why do I wonder when she's really cold from the start?" I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

I ate my food inside the car with sounds on, of course.

and... I saw Lisa again walking out the store carrying a huge paper bag.

"Woah! What did she ordered to have such a huge paper bag!!"

Argh, Jennie Kim, stop wondering everything about her.

"She looked so fierced."

I shook my head off and finished drinking my softdrink, "Don't mind her from now on."

I started driving again and quickly went to the bar.

After a half hour of driving, I finally arrived at the bar.

"Heyyy, Jisoooyaaahhh!" I greeted on her and threw my bag at the sofa, "You have a lot of guests again..."

"Woah, nice outfit. You're a half half now, huh?"

"Half half?! What do you mean!?"

"Half girly, half boyie." She laughed right on my face.

"Whatever!!" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Oh, yeah. I think Kai's squad gonna come here tonight.."

"Really? Again? That's too fast, are they that free to come here often?"

"It's just their 2nd time, girl. Do you feel excited?" She smirked.

"Why would I?" I rolled my eyes again and laid down on the sofa.

"Tsss, I know you dooooo...."

"They aren't my type! Especially that girl Lisa!"

"Eeehhh, got yaaaa!" She shouted while pointing at me.


"I knew you like her! Stop lying, I caught you in the act!!"




"They're here!"

I quickly stood up, "Where??"

"Gotcha!! HAHAHA!"

"What theee hell Jisooo! Stop playing around! It's not funny!" I slapped her shoulder lightly.

"I caught you for the 2nd time so better stop lying, Jennie Kim! So, tell m--"

"I don't like her, okay?"

"Hmmm, I'm sure you do."

"I don't care about her, we just went out one time and that will be the first and last. So stop teasing me about her, we were just both hungry that time. Who would reject food?"

"Okay okay, fine, you have a point..."

"I sure do!"

"Let's go and get ready, they will be here in a few minutes..."

"Get ready for what?" I asked and got pulled by Jisoo.

"Aren't you going to change?"

"Why would I? Do I look ugly with my outfit?"

"Noooo, but from now on, you'll be wearing girly outfits everytime you're here."

I removed Jisoo's hand with force, "No! I'm not gonna do that... I'm fine with what I'm wearing right now."

"Okay fine, I'll go get change then."

"But I'll still go with you." I said and walked next to her.

CHANGES - Jenlisa [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now