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It started raining harder and it gets colder. The four of them went to the gazebo in the garden and sat down to a cozy area where it is full of fluffy pillows.

"It's so cold, brrrrr... thanks to your dad for giving us this warm outfit..." Lisa said while rubbing both of her arms.

"Yeah... your parents are so kind... can they just adopt us?" Kai chuckles.

"Are you sure? You want to be half sisters with Jennie?" Jisoo said with half closed eyes and laughs.

"Jisoooo!!" Jennie softly slaps her and glared at her.

"I was just kidding, alright!?" Jisoo laughs, "Let's just play!" she added.

"Play what?" Lisa asked.

"Ermmm, truth or dare?" Jisoo suggested, "We have a bottle here, sooo..."

"I don't trust you with the dares!" Jennie shouted as she rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry! The dares will be easy, I don't want your parents to kill meeeh!" Jisoo said while laughing.

"I'm in! Let's just be gentle with the consequences." Kai said.

"Alright alrighttt... spin it!" Lisa said confidently.

Jisoo spinned the bottle, "Woahh woahhh... please don't stop at me...."

The bottles slowly stops right in front of Jennie.

"How unlucky you are Jennie-poo!" Jisoo shouted, "Truth or dare!? hikhik!"

Jennie rolled her eyes, "Ugh! This is so irritating! TRUTH!"

"Who want to ask Jennie?" Jisoo asked while looking at Lisa and Kai.

Lisa quickly raised her hands, "Hmmm.... do you like someone?" she said while teasing Kai.

"Broooo, good question...." Kai whispered at her.

"Am I required to tell who?" Jennie asked confidently.

Lisa suddenly felt pressured, fck it! I don't wanna know who... that would hurt my precious heart!! she shook her head off, "Uhm, no?"

"Great,  I was just asking cause I don't like anyone..." Jennie said as she crosses her arms.

"What?!" Jisoo shouted, "I'm pretty sure you like someone!"

"Are you Jennie?" Jennie asked and Jisoo shook her head as her response.

"Great!" Jennie said and rolled her eyes, "Is it my turn to ask?"

"Such a btchy attitude!! grrr....." Jisoo whispered and rolled her eyes.

Lisa and Kai looked at the two, they seems like they are in a contest of who got the most btchy attitude and they just laughed it off.

"What's funny?" Jennie asks Lisa.

"Was that your question? Do I still have the right to choose if truth or dare?" Lisa asked in confusion.

"If you don't like to say why, then pick dare." Jennie said while glaring at her.

"Why are you being like that? Why are you acting like that?" Lisa switched asking questions.

"Do I have the right to choose truth or dare?" Jennie asked while still glaring at Lisa.

The tension went up, Kai and Jisoo looked confused but didn't tried to interrupt the two.

"If you don't like to tell why, then pick dare!" Lisa said seriously.

"What about you?! Why are you so cold?!" Jennie shouted as she stood up.

"Wait... w-what??" Kai asked in confusion, he's now interrupting the two.

Lisa calmed down a bit, she realizes about Kai, "I-I don't know... this just who I am." Lisa explained.

Jisoo quickly stood up after seeing Lisa, "Jennie, calm down..." she whispered and Jennie slowly sat down.

"What's with you and Jennie?" Kai whispered at Lisa.

"Nothing, I don't know.... you already know that I act cold to the girls I'm not interested with...." Lisa whispered.

"Yeah, yeah... I know... thanks about that for not liking her, but.... Jennie's our friend... you shouldn't act like that to her." Kai whispered while looking at Jennie.

Lisa hardly swallowed, "A-Alright.. I'll try..." she said while nodding.

"Okeh! Jennie, I'm sorry about earlier..." Lisa spoke up.

"It's okay." Jennie said with a slight cold tone.

"Yah, Jennieyaaaa~ lower your pride now. Lisa said sorry already." Jisoo said while rubbing Jennie's back.

"Okay fine, I'm sorry for acting like that... I'll try hard not to act like that anymore." Jennie said while not looking at Lisa.

Lisa smiled, "Me too."

"Alrighty!! Calm down now, okay? We don't have to fight.... we're all friends right??" Jisoo said to change the tension. "Well, let's just spin the bottle again...." Jisoo spinned the bottle and it stops right in front of Kai.

"Aiiighhhtt! My turn now... hmmmm." Kai said while thinking, "No offense... I just really wanna know.... Jisoo, are you interested with girls too?"

"Whhhuuut? meeee?" Jisoo got shookt, "Hell nah.... but this girl?" she pointed at Jennie, "She doez!" Jisoo laughed.

"Oh yeah, any problem with that?" Jennie said while looking at Kai and Lisa.

And they just both shook their head, they felt a bit scared of Jennie getting mad at them.

"Soooo, what about you Lisa? Are you interested with girls too?" Jisoo asked while smiling.

Lisa slowly nodded, "Y-Yeah, I don't know if you guys can guess it already in the first place... but yeah, I like girls.... the girly one."

Jennie felt goosebumps after hearing Lisa's answers, but hardly tried to calm herself down and not to show any reactions.

"Ahhhh, I see...." Jisoo said while nodding, "and what about you Kai?" she added.

"Hmm??" Kai looked at her.

"Are you currently interested to anyone??" Jisoo asks straight to the point.

"Oh.... uhm, yeah?" Kai shyly answered.

"Who?" Jisoo quickly asked.

"Ehhh.... It's a secret!"

"Wwhaaatttt?! What secret? you can't do thattt!! Just pick dare if you're not gonna tell whooooo....." Jennie said.

"Alright alright, I pick dare...." Kai said while laughing.

"YEYYY! COOK THE DINNER FOR US!" Jennie quickly said, "I already missed your foods!" She said so happily.

Lisa notices how happy Jennie is with Kai's cooking skills. She felt a bit insecure but still felt proud for Kai.

"Yeahhh, bro... I already miss it too!" Lisa said and smiled.

"Me tooooo! Please do it Kaiiiii!" Jisoo said while in praying gesture.

Kai puts his hands up, "Okay okay fine, calm down now.... I'll do it okay?" He said with a big smile.

"Yayyyy! I'm so excited!!" Jennie said with her gummiest smile.

Kai and Lisa softly laughs after seeing that kind of smile.

CHANGES - Jenlisa [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now