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Saturday Morning
7 AM.

*Calling to the group chat*

*Kai, Lisa and Jisoo answered*

"Hey, guys! Come here at 9AM! I already told mum about you guys, and dad's gonna be home later." Jennie said.

"Really?! Wooooh!" The three shouted in excitement.

"We better go prepare now..." Kai said.

"Yeah yeah." Lisa said.

"Just go to Jisoo's bar first, then she'll lead the way here... okay? drive safely guys! bye!" Jennie said and drop off the call.

Jennie started preparing too, she took a shower and wore her comfy outfit.



"Miss Jennie, your friends are here." The maid said.

"Okay, I'm going down now." Jennie smiled and quickly went down.

"Heyyyy!" Jisoo greeted as soon as she saw Jennie.

"Woah, their house is pretty big." Kai said to Lisa and she just nodded at him.

"Hey there you guys, welcome to our home!" Jennie greeted the two after hugging Jisoo as if they never met for years. "C'mon guys, mum's still upstairs, and dad is on his way home." Jennie said while leading the way to the living area, "Here, drink some teas."

"Thank you." The three said.

"Oh, hello there!" Jennie's mum said while walking down the stairs, "Were you the new friends of Jisoo and Jennie?" She glared at the two.

Kai and Lisa hardly swallowed, Jennie's mum look a bit scary and strict. They both just nodded while Jisoo and Jennie were laughing.

Jennie's mum continued walking down, "Sooo, are your intentions pure?" She sat down infront of them and gave them a death stare.

"Y-Yes, Ma'am!" The two quickly answered.

"You know what's gonna happen if you are no good for these two beautiful girls...." she continued.

"Y-Yes, Ma'am!" They quickly answered again.

"Our intentions are good, we are just interested to become friends with them and we just really enjoy their company... we promise to never let something bad happen to them." Lisa said and smiled.

"Yeah, we are also willing to act as their protection... we will protect them at all cost!" Kai added.

"YEAH!" They both said together with their hands in a fighting gesture.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" The three started laughing which the two made confused.

"You guys are so funny!" Jisoo said while laughing.

"Yeah yeah, can you repeat that?" Jennie said while laughing too.

"Well well, let's see. I'm happy that your intentions are pure. I really hope that you do.." Jennie's mum smiled, "Her dad's gonna be here soon..."

"Yeah, you'll meet him too." Jennie said.

"Oh! Speaking of.... hello there uncle!" Jisoo shouted and waved her hands.

"Oh hey, do I interrupt you guys?" Jennie's dad asked.

Jennie went closer to him, "No no dad... We are actually waiting for you... we would like you to meet our new friends.... Mum... Dad... this Kai.... and this is Lisa..." she smiled.

Kai and Lisa bowed, "Hello! Nice to meet you!"

"New friends, huh? Are you sure they have good intentions?" He immidiately asked.

"Oh yes, my dear. I've already asked them so there's no need to worry about it anymore." Jennie's mum said.

"That's good then..."

"Breakfast is now ready..." The maid said and bowed.

"You made it just in time! Let's go!" Jennie said to her dad, "Let's go eat breakfast first guys... c'mon!"

They all went to the dining area, there are too many dishes to choose from. Lisa, Kai, and Jisoo drools at the food.

"Eat whatever you like!" Jennie's mum said.

"Yeah, don't be shy... eat as much as you like..." Jennie's dad added and smiled.

the three bowed in thanks and started grabbing food.

"Well, you're Kai, right? You're the only guy to the group..." the dad asked.

"Oh yeah, but here's Lisa. We are like brothers... we've been friends for 7 years now. Sooo, it's like a perfect match for these two, they were friends since then... that's why our bond became closer and easy..." Kai answered.

Lisa just nodded.

"Really? How did you guys met?" the mum asked.

"At the ba--"

"park!" Jennie quickly shouted since Jisoo's bar is a secret, she slight kicked Kai's feet to give him signals.

"ohh, park... I see..."

Lisa already got the idea, "Y-Yeah, uhh, we actually met to the park and then we started hanging out from there... eating Mcdonald's sometimes and going out for some expensive restaurants too..."

"Oh, that's good... looks like you really have a bond now..." the dad said.

"And oh, I remembered, Lisa... Jennie said you are a regular customer of our salon." the mum said.

"Oh, yeah yeah! it's the only salon that I go to! I really love the quality and the service..."

"Hehe." the mum shyly laughs.

"You see now mum and dad? what do you say now? do you consider them as our friends now?" Jennie asked.

Lisa, Kai, Jisoo, and Jennie stared at both them waiting for their answers, they might have lied but they all know that Lisa and Kai have good intentions.

"Uhmmm... I can say that we can trust them now... but let's see. You guys hust became friends, and we just meet them today..." the dad said and mum agreed.

They all sighed in relief.

"Thank you mum and dad! I'm sure you'll get to know them more too!" Jennie said and smiled.

"Thank you uncle and auntie!!" Jisoo said and bowed, Lisa and Kai bowed in thanks too.

"Alright!" Jennie's dad wipes his mouth, "Your mum and I are done eating, it's nice to meet you Kai and Lisa. I have no problems with you becoming friends with Jennie and Jisoo... but make sure to never hurt them, or let something bad happen to them.. because we will do everything for them. They are very precious to us..."

The two nodded.

"We will get rest now... you guys can eat more. they have prepared all of these.. so, enjoy!" he added and stood up. Jennie's mum smiled at them and stood up too.

"Enjoy the food and your stay!" Jennie's parents left and went to their bedroom.

"It's a success!" Jisoo said in happiness.

"Wooohhh! I've been struggling to breathe the whole time! I can now eat in peace!" Kai said and started grabbing for more.

"Me too, these are too delicious!!" Lisa said and started chewing more food.

"Yah yahh! Slow down!" Jennie shouted and laughs.

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