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"Hey, we can return now. Thank you." Lisa said to her assistant and went back to the seat, "We will be home by the afternoon.."

"Long ride ahead.. what do you guys wanna do?" Kai asked and puts his hands into his waist.

"Hmmm.... do you have any board games in here?" Jisoo asked.

Kai and Lisa looked at each other and slowly shooks their head, "No." they said in chorus.

"Ahhw...." Jisoo pouted.

"Ah! We can just make one!!" Jennie suggested.

"H-How?" Kai asked in confusion.

The three of them listened to Jennie's idea.

"This is just an idea for us to enjoy the rest of our time here... sooo here it goes, we just need pieces of papers and we write there the prizes that we want and willing to give. We have our own turns where the first player will be the one to hide the pieces of paper anywhere that player wants... you have 3 mins to hide it. After that, of course, we will try to find that papers and see what prizes we can get... the prizes should be different. It could be cash, things, food or whatever." Jennie explained.

"Is it okay if the same category but different type? Like food, but one is pizza then the other one is burgers?" Kai asked.

"Yes!! You got that right! It shouldn't be pizza and pizza and pizza..." Jennie said then laughs.

"Alright! I'm down for it! It sounds fun!" Kai said excitedly.

"Let's goooo!!" Jisoo said.

All of them has their own papers and pens, they started tearing down the papers into pieces and wrote the prizes that they want to give.

"Are you guys ready?" Jennie asked.

"Yeahhh!" The three shouted in chorus.

"Who wants to go first?" Jennie asks, "No one? Let's do the eennie meenie then."

"Eennie meenie miney moe, catch a tiger by the toe, if he hollers, let him go.. Eenie meenie mineyyy.... moe! Jichuuuu!! You're the first one to hide your prizesssss!!!" Jennie said excitedly, "C'mon guys, let's wait inside the bedroom..."

Kai and Lisa followed Jennie to the bedroom and Jisoo started hiding the pieces of prizes anywhere.

"I finished before the time runs out! I'll count 1, 2, 3 and you guys can come out!" Jisoo shouted, "Oneee!..... Twooo.... Two and a half...!!"

"Yahhhh!! We are so ready!" Kai shouted.

"Yahhh! Don't be greedy! You are rich already!!" Jisoo shouted back and laughs, "Threee!!!"

The door slammed opened, the three quickly went out the room to find the papers.

"Aishhh, these three is so wild!! As if they can't afford anything.... well, it's a game, soo...." Jisoo said to herself while watching the three running and aggressively looks for the papers.

"Yahh! It's mine! It's me who found it first!" Jennie shouted.

"It's mine! It's me who touches it first!" Lisa shouted back.

"It's for WHO found it first!" Jennie shouted again.

"It's FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE!" Lisa shouted and puts up her hand where Jennie couldn't reach it.

"Hey stop fighting over a piece of paper!" Jisoo interupts the two.

"Heyyy, you guysss... Jennie, you can just get mine, here..." Kai handed one of his paper.

Jennie took it, "Thank you!" and she looks at Lisa, "bleh!" and rolls her eyes.

Lisa found that cute, she couldn't hold her smile but she still did it. She maintained her cold face and rolled her eyes too, tssss...

"Okay, guys... I think you already found all the papers.. Let's see what you got." Jisoo said, "You first Kai."

"Alright, whooo! So hot! .... I got uhmmm, a pillow neck? yeahh, it's fine, I badly need that... next iss uhmm, 5L of Milktea!? Whatttdaaa!"

Everyone laughs, "Okayy, next, five pair of shoes!? and my choice? Woahhh, thank you thank youu!" Kai acted like everyone voted him as a President, "Last, oh woah, 2 tickets for a movie night...." He then looks at Jennie and quickly looks at Jisoo, "Kamsahamnida!"

"Okeh okeh, enjoy your prizes!!" Jisoo smiled, "Your turn Jennieeee."

Jennie opens her papers excitedly, "Wuhaaa, I got three plushies!!"

"Plushie? Just that and you are already happy?" Lisa asked.

"andddd so what!!" Jennie rolled her eyes, what's with this girl! she started showing off her attitude!! "Uhh!" rolls her eyes again.

"Nexttt issss uhmm, yayyyy!!! Mcdonald's! Mcdonald's!!!" Jennie dances like a kid.

"Ha-ha... that's Jennie, she appreciates small things..." She whispers to Kai and Lisa while Jennie's busy dancing her excitement.

"Ahhhh..." both said.


"Nextttt!! Oooooooo, why do I still have to get this!! Free 3 night stay at the bar! I can just even live with you!! Arghh!"

"Oh, HAHA! I didn't expect for you to get that, I just assume that one of them might get it... but oh well, you got it." Jisoo laughed it off.

"It's fine! That's all I got because...." Jennie glared at Lisa, "thiiissss girl took my last paper! hmpf!" rolled her eyes.

"bleh!" Lisa said, "My turn now......" She aggressively opens the paper in front of Jennie, "HAHA! WOaaaHhh, I got two tickets for for for..... your secret Island!? What daaaaa!!"

"Whatttttt!! That's the last paper right! Uhhhh! I should've took it!!" Jennie said irritatedly.

"That's fine Jennie! You already went there for nth times!!" Jisoo said.

"But I love it thereeee, it's refreshinggggg...." Jennie said while pouting.

"Don't worry, we can go there after Lisa and that someone she wants to go there..." Jisoo explained.

"Woah, I wonder who it will beeee!" Kai teased Lisa.

"Ehhh, I can just go there alone." Lisa said.

"Kkkk, just continue." Jennie said.

"That's all I got." Lisa said and looks at everyone.

"WHATTT!? You only got one?!" Everyone shouted.

Lisa nodded, "Yeah. You guys are too fast, luckily, I got this first."

"Oh well, I only made 8 prizes so yeah, Lisa basically only got one... but that's fine, you got the grand prize. I'm happy for all youu, please enjoy the prizes!" Jisoo said happily..

Now I feel bad for Lisa.... "Congrats!" Jennie said and smiled."

"Congrats bro! Your prize is worth it!" Kai said happily.

"Well, who's next??" Jennie asked.

"Let's do the eenniee meennie again." Kai said.

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