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"My turn now, go ahead guys. This will be so quick.." Lisa said while shooing the three, they quickly went inside the bedroom. "I only made three papers." she shouted.

"Such a lazy bum!" Jennie said and rolled her eyes.

"Tsss..." Lisa chuckles in low tone, "So guys, you just need to get one. Okay?" She said while hiding the papers, "Alright, I think it's all good now.. You can come out now!!" she shouted and the three quickly goes out.

"Grrr! I wonder what you wrote!" Jennie shouted in whisper to Lisa when she walked past her.

She really acts like a tiger... Lisa thought and laughs.

The three finally found one paper each.

"Alright, open it guys..."

"1,148,900 won!" Kai said.
"1,148,901 won!" Jennie said.
"1,148,902 won!" Jisoo said.

They all said it in chorus.

"Woahhhh!! A cash!" Jisoo said excitedly.

"I only added 1 won each to make it look different so it won't be unfair for others. You guys can use that for our next trips from our prizes..." Lisa said while smiling.

"Nice!" Jennie said while smiling.

"Alright! We're done just in time!" Kai said while looking at them, "Thanks Jennie for this great idea of yours... just update us when we're gonna visit you to tame your parents." Kai chuckles.

"Oh yeah yeah right! That should be soon!! I'm really looking forward to do all of these!" Jisoo said excitedly.

"Yeah yeah guys... just calm down. I'll update you once I opened up to them about these two." Jennie said.

"Ma'am, sir... we're here." The driver said and pulled up.

Kai, Jisoo and Jennie took all of their things from the bedroom and went out the camper van.

"Well, It's time to say good bye. I had fun guys. See you all soon!" Kai said while carrying his bag up to his shoulder, he waved good bye while walking towards his car.

"Alright, I better go now too. It's really tiring ya know?" Jisoo said while walking unenergetic.

A moment of silence between Lisa and Jennie...

"Yaahh! Thank you for this.." Jennie said while pointing to the outfit she's wearing, "I'll give this back to you soon."

"No worries.." Lisa said while smiling.

"Woah, you are really something! Earlier you act like a monster, but now, you act like so innocent." Jennie rolled her eyes, "Hmpf!" she walks out towards her car.

"Really, huh? Tiger?!" Lisa shouted, she watched Jennie leave the bar while smiling, "Aishh, she's really cute... small but terrible..." she kept on smiling.

She shook her head off and softly slaps her face, "Ahhhh! What am I thinking?!" she said and left too.



The next day....

"Hey mom, good morning..." I greeted and gave her a kiss.

"Hey, Ruby Jane. How was your day? The maid said you didn't came home last night." Mum said while wiping her lips.

"Oh, yeah... I've been with Jisoo, we went out together... and uhmmm..." how should I tell her about Lisa and Kai? uhhh...

"And what?" She looks at me waiting to continue what I was going to say.

"And mum, uhm.. we met new friends. They both kind and adventurous, jolly and respectful." I said while smiling, gosh. I'm a bit scared of what mum gonna react.

"Really? Who are they then?" Mum showed a bit of interest, which it calmed me a bit.... Thank God...

"Kai and Lisa... Lisa is a regular customer of our salon!" I said excitedly and of course, stared at her to see her reaction. I've never been friends with anyone but Jisoo.

"Really?! What did she say about our salon? Does she knew that you will the next owner of it?" She said excitedly.

"Not yet... but mum, do you wanna meet them? with dad?" I immidiately cut the topic about the salon, I don't wanna hear it for now.

"Yeah, sure. Dad's gonna be here tomorrow." she said while nodding.

"Okay mum! I'll tell them to be here tomorrow! Thank youuu!"

"Yes, better. We also need to know who you are becoming friends with...." she glared at me.

"Hehe, yeah mum, I know that... that's why I'm telling you about them... but they are really kind mum... don't worry, okay? and for extra assurance, my beautiful parents need to meet them." I widingly smiled at mum.

"Good, Ruby Jane..." she smiled, "And oh, be ready next week. You'll be presenting the new salon branch. You know what to do, okay?"


"Ruby Jane.... please! do it for me."

I just nodded at mum while pouting.. I don't wanna answer her anymore. I know I should obey her, but I'm not yet ready... I'm scared and I'm not used to with cameras.

I just can't feel myself wearing girly outfits... I couldn't even recognize myself... this... this swaggy, lousy, boyish outfits are my comfort zone....

"Okay... I'm done, finish your food. I'm leaving now.. see you and your friends tomorrow." Mum kisses me on my head and left.

Aishhh, mum, I don't know what to do...

CHANGES - Jenlisa [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now