Chapter 8| Family gathering

Start from the beginning

"Sorry for the disrespect that I'm going to do" I apologised before I started shouting."My mother raised me the best she can,she  not a bad mother she tough me ghe utmost respect,but she also taught to repect those who deserve it, she's one of the best mother's that ever existed,she was there for me when none wasn't,those people who killed her came to kill me,I should be the one dead right now,sje was the best mother but I was a bad daughter,I didn't deserve her." My voice cracked.

I looked at my father and he looked impressed as long as my uncles,my aunts look suprised,my cousins and brothers looked confused,except, hunter,blaze,Ben,klaus,edmund and Diego they looked filled with pride,my grandma looked happy and grandfather looked taken aback at my blow out but it didn't take long for him to recover and he put back on his casual smirk.

"You passed the test" my grandpa said with with a small smile
"Test?" I questioned,"I was testing your Lucindo blood,I'm very proud of you you stood up to what believed but not before apologising for what was to come,and your right,we also belive to give respect to those who deserve it"

I smiled happily and my grandparents pulled me into a hug and whisperd sweet nothings.

When they let go I they informed me there only here for a few day and they have work back in Mexico and Italy. Ryder pa, e up to me huge grin on his face and talked you made us proud princess,and it was be very Lucindo of you to do that",i smiled great fully "'thank you dear brother".

Hours passed and I got along with my cousins except Alex he's still a little stiff but I'll soon unstuffin him. We were all in the movie room everyone except the older brothers and uncles,aunts,dad,aluntnd our grandparents.

We were all singing along and enjoying the movie,;moana,I'll was late at night but we didn't care we all eventually fell asleep,in the movie room.

A/n:I'm going to show everyone's pov on how they feel about the mafia princess.

Luther pov (father)

I'm so happy to have her back,it's been so long I haven't seen her but,I never thought when I see her again it's when her mother dies,oh Lynsday I miss you so much. Raising seven kids without a mother was hard but I did it.

Ophelia really impresses me and is full of suprises,how she talked to her grandfather made me one of the proudest father in the world. I'm happy she's back and I can't wait to spoil her.

I'm sorry for her future boyfriend, if she ever gets one she does have 7 brothers,and 12 cousins all boys so that equals to,19 brothers.

Hunter pov

I'm happy my bambina is home,but I don't show much emotion we've hardly had time to spend together because I'm constantly doing work but one day we'll have a day to ourselves.

The moment the social worker called and said Ophelia needs someone to take her custody I imidiatly told dad to say yes.

I'm happy we have her back but I would have been better with our mim her to. Anwir amd Duncan has it comming,hurting my sister then killing my mother. They just signed millions of death wishes. They have no idea who there messing with.

Blaze pov

When I got call from hunter saying they found ophilea I was in disbelief,and when he told me to go to the airport to pick her up and describe her for me,I was estatic I would be the first to meet her.

When I arrived st the airport I waited for about 10 mines and saw the jet land and I became  nervous to meet my long lost sister.

When I saw a girl to match the features I was told,..I  walked up to her and figured out she is, she's very beautiful and shy..we bought snacks and I'm I'm just I'm just to I'm just to happy have her finally home.

Ryder pov

I was training new recruits for the mafia when liam our family friend and my boyfriend who also has a command in the mafia came up to me and said "Hunter and your dad found her" ,"who" I replied ceriousity as I sent the recruits to a break." Your sister" I became teary eyed but held them back.

"Your kidding",I asked not wanting my hopes to go up, "they did,your mother was killed and your father took her into his custody,they found her".. I hugged him let a few happy tears slipped.

Elijah pov

I was home with the twins and Chase,while I helped of the maids in the kitchen when blaze came running of of his home office shouting 'family meeting' everyone in the family who wee home ran out of there rooms to the living room where blaze hosted it.

"What wrong" asked a panting xander,"I have news" blaze said very excited.

"Shouldn't we wait for hunter and dad" asked chase, "there the ones who called" blaze smiled

"Okey your wasting our paitence spit it out blaze" xavion said
"They found her" "her" I asked "her,Ophelia she's on her way here as we speak"

We all froze, all I could think is I'm going to see jer again and wake her in the morning,jelpimgbone her back up when she's down and so much more p. I just want to be the best n
big brother a girl could ask for.

Chase pov

I almost got a heart attack when blaze said she's coming,I felt devestated when he also said mom had been murderd.

It I didn't trust myself to let her come close again, when she was born I promised myself,I'd protect her till the day my eyes closed,I'd thought I would never get to do it again when she left but now that she's back I'll secretly protect her and care for her. But I'm not going to ruin my ego for someone who wasn't there for part of my life.

Xander pov

I didn't want to trust that she was going to stay forever.

I can't remember anything about her because I was to young but the stories thst were told made me love her more than ever.

If she had stayed her,my twin and I could have been babies forever,be bestfriends till the day we die. But no she had to leave with mom because of the stupid mafia.  Sometimes I wished ,other had taken xavion and I with them. I'm not fond of ghe mafia either but it was in my life whole growing up.

When lia had put me in my place at dinner. I believed jer thst she was not gong to leave again. I love her with all my heart but I'm still going to hold my big ego.

Xavion pov.

When we were told by Blaze Ophelia was coming home,it took me a while to process because I was in shock but h
when I recover I started smiling like an idiot.

I never got to know her but the stories our family told my twin and I  about her made us love her already,I saw baby pictures of us Roger her and would think how life would be if she was in it.

Now i get to make it reality.


I updated again yey!!

Hope you liked it. Part 2 of this chapter will be up by tommorow.
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