Red solo cups liter the house, and nearly cover every single counter top. Smoke fills the air, the clouds are so thick it's basically impossible to see what's in front of you.

Some people are making out along the walls of the house on the verge of having sex right then and there. Some people are in little circles passing around blunts or a bong. There are guys sitting in chairs whilst a girl gives them a lap dance. Some people playing dumb party games that no one really joins in on because there are better things to do than spin the damn bottle.

"All done." Willy announces snapping me out of the daze that I was in.

"Finally, it took you long enough." I say bitterly. I've been needing a fix since I walked into this place, but Willy insisted we wait until at least an hour into the party. I was close to bashing his head into a wall for the ludicrous suggestion.

"Hey, don't be mean, I'm the one supplying you." He states matter-of-factly. "The least you can do is give me a positive reaction."

I narrow my eyes at him, "If it was positive then it wouldn't be a genuine reaction."

Willy rolls his eyes at me, "You know Arlo, it doesn't kill to be nice."

I scoff at his words, "no it doesn't kill to be nice, but being nice is inconvenient for me, so pass me the fucking bill so I can take a line."

I hold my hand out and wiggle my fingers at him to pass me the bill. He cocks a brow up and gives me a stern look.

"If you think I'm going to say please and ask nicely, then you are going to be very disappointed. Either you pass be the fucking bill or I lean down right now and take it without the bill, I don't care either way."

"You're impossible Arlo." He mutters as he hands me the rolled up twenty dollar bill.

I smugly smile at him caving in with no fight. Willy is practically my bitch and does whatever I want or ask.

I take my long, brown, wavy hair and throw it over my shoulder, slightly tucking it into the collar of my shirt to keep it out of my way for when I bend down.

I lower my head towards the line that is closest to me. I take one end of the twenty and place it at the end of the line at a slight angle so some of the bill is in the air while the rest is leaning on the table.

I hover my right nostril over the other end of the bill that is completely exposed in the air.

I close my eye and swallow before taking a deep breath and inhaling through my nose as I drag the bill across the line of white power picking up every speck.

My nose is already burning but the feeling is nothing but welcoming. I live and breathe for the feeling of the burn.

As the powder enters my system, I feel a rush ripple through my head giving me an instant feeling of pure euphoria.

Once I finish the line I drop the bill and throw my head back on the couch, swimming in the feeling of bliss. I feel tingles erupt throughout my body and warmth floods my blood stream. I feel incredible, on top of the world, I feel at peace.

"Fuck, I will never get over this feeling." I breathe out as I bask in the pleasure.

"I know what you mean." Willy agrees as he grabs the bill I threw down earlier and takes a line of coke for himself.

"Arlo!" I hear someone squeal my name. I open my eyes to see Alli giddily approaching me. "Hi, beautiful."

She plops herself down on the couch next to me and engulfs me in a hug. She wraps her hands around my head and pulls me down to her chest, instantly making me go stiff.

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