Chapter 14: A Day Off

Start from the beginning

"Hm?" Sora said. "Could I change in the same changing room as you?" Aiko asked flustered. "Sure, it's not like we haven't seen each other naked. We bathed together remember." Sora said. Aiko nodded.

They went to a changing room and changed, since the space was a bit small, they decided that Aiko would change first and then Sora. They came out and started walking to the exit.

Aiko then clinged onto Sora's arm. "I don't mind Babe." Sora said. Then Aiko rubbed her head against Sora's arm. He just smiled.

After walking around for a bit they decided to do some shopping. When Aiko was looking around in the game section, Sora snuck away to get her a necklace.

After Sora got back Aiko was pouting at him. "And where did you sneak off to?" Aiko asked pouting. "I'll show you later, I see you are browsing by games." Sora said changing the subject.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if you can afford the game I want." Aiko said. Sora hugged her from behind. "What game do you want dear?" Sora asked. Aiko blushed.

"I'm not sure if I want to get a shooter game or something else." Aiko said blushing. "Oh so you wanna try a shooter game? That's cool. Which do you have in mind?" Sora said.

Aiko pointed to two games. "Call of Duty or Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts." Aiko said. "You sure know your taste huh. I have only played Call of Duty back in America with someone. I'm not sure what Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts is." Sora said.

Aiko, who was still getting hugged from behind, dragged Sora with her and she grabbed Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts. "It's kind of pricy." She said.

Sora then grabbed himself a game copy and grabbed the game copy out of Aiko's hands, grabbed Aiko's hand and walked to the counter.

"Boo, are you sure?" Aiko asked. "Remember Baby, your rich Boo will get it." Sora said. He winked at her and then looked in front of him.

Aiko totally forgot that Sora was pretty rich. "That will be 15,923.24 yen sir." The cashier said. She was kinda shocked. 'That much just wasted for me?' She thought. Aiko felt bad for Sora spending so much.

Sora grabbed Aiko's hand again and walked out of the store. "Aiko, what's wrong?" Sora asked. "Well, you lost a lot of yen because of me." Aiko said. Then Sora flicked her forehead.

"Don't ever talk like that again Aiko, my money is never wasted if it is for you." Sora said and then hugged Aiko. Aiko hugged Sora back. Then they took a stroll and returned back home. It was around 6PM.

Sora put the bags with their purchases on the table and he grabbed something and put it in his pocket. Aiko was cooking some food. After Aiko cooked dinner she put the dinner on the table.

Then Sora's phone rang. "Oh it's Olivia, not sure why she is calling." Sora said to himself and picked up. "Hey Olivia, where are you?" Sora asked. "I decided to get my own apartment, I am now living with Haruki, the girl from the school trip." Olivia said.

"Why didn't you let me know before? Aiko has now cooked too much food." Sora said. "Well, I wanted to surprise you, and if it's okay could we come over sometimes for dinner?" Olivia asked. "Yea sure, I don't see why not." Sora said.

"Well, I have to go, Haruki is done cooking now. See you later." Olivia said and she hung up.

"Aiko, from now on we have the apartment to ourselves." Sora said. "Really? That's amazing!" Aiko said. They finished eating and Sora called Aiko over.

"What is it Boo?" Aiko asked. "Remember when I snuck away and you wanted to know what I got?" Sora asked. "Yeah I remember." Aiko said.

"Turn around and hold up your hair for me." Sora said and Aiko did what he asked. Sora then got the necklace and put it around Aiko's neck.

"Oh wow, it's beautiful!" Aiko said. "Yeah, it did cost 5,506.52 yen but it's worth it, anything to make you happy." Sora said and kissed Aiko on her lips.

Sora and Aiko went to Sora's room and started up their shooter game. The volume was kinda loud so the neighbors could listen in to the game.

They played a few rounds of shooting and shooting and Sora was eventually the one who won. Aiko did win one time.

"How do you win everytime?" Aiko asked pouting. Sora laughed at her face. "It is called something like practice in other shooter games. I have always been good in shooter games." Sora said.

After they played the game they went to a nearby lake and relaxed a little bit. "Hey Boo, do you mind if I lay down on your lap?" Aiko asked.

"I don't mind if it's you." Sora said and Aiko put her head on Sora's lap. She felt like she was safe when she lies on Sora.

"Hey Boo?" Aiko asked. "Hm." Sora replied. "Hypothetically, if there was one day left before something happened to me or you, what would you do?" Aiko asked.

"Well, I'd skip school with you and spend quality time with you doing something that's fun. Like playing games, going to the park, maybe going to the arcade. Anything." Sora said.

This made Aiko smile. "You know, you are the boyfriend I want. Always caring, not pushy. Sweet and amazing. I love that about you Boo." Aiko said.

"And I love how cheerful you always are, how happy you are whenever my music hits a certain amount of views." Sora said.

"I never want to leave you." Aiko said and sat up. "I never want to leave you too." Sora said. They leaned in for a kiss and Sora's tongue slipped into Aiko's mouth. She didn't mind.

After kissing they broke it off, they were connected by a string of saliva. "Aiko, I love you." Sora said. "I love you too Boo." Aiko said.

They got up and went home. Sora made some dinner and they both clapped their hands together and said: "Itadakimasu." and ate their dinner.

"That was yummy!" Aiko said after dinner. Sora was washing the dishes. "Heh, thanks Aiko. Glad you liked it." Sora said. When the dishes were done Sora went to his room to work on his music.

Aiko still was in the living room and was just relaxing, she knew that Sora was working on some music right now. She turned on the tv and watched a show.

After the show Aiko went to Sora's room and opened the door. She saw Sora very focused with his headphones on. She walked up to him, and removed the right part from his right ear and said: "Boo."

This made Sora jump. "Jesus, can you not scare me like that please." Sora said. "Sorry, but I am gonna take a bath." Aiko said.

Sora nodded and went back to work. Aiko went to her room, grabbed lingerie, t-shirt and shorts and went to take a bath.

She hopped into bath and went to thinking. 'He is really focused on music, glad he is like that, but what if he goes on a world tour? Will he let me go with him or no? He better.' Aiko thought and giggled.

She sat in the bath for 25 minutes and got out, dried herself and put her clothes on. After that she went back to Sora's room.

"Sora, you can bathe." Aiko said as she saw that Sora had his headphones around his neck. "Cool, thanks for letting me know." Sora stood up and gave a kiss on her cheek.

"I'll be right back." Sora said. And he really was quick, he was in bath for 10-15 minutes. Sora looked on his phone and saw that it was 11:58PM.

"Well, I'm gonna sleep, tomorrow we have school." Sora said, while he threw his t-shirt on the ground and changed into comfortable shorts. Aiko just threw her t-shirt and short on the ground.

They got in bed and Aiko was on top of Sora. "Hey Boo?" Aiko asked. "Hm." "If you were to go on a world tour, would it be possible for me to... you know, come along?" Aiko asked.

"Of course! I wouldn't dream of going around the world and leaving you behind. That'd be cruel." Sora said and wrapped his arms around Aiko.

Aiko smiled. She was happy with her answer. She then planted a kiss on Sora's lips and fell asleep. Shortly after Sora fell asleep.

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