Sequel is in the works!

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Hey! Just a quick update. I had to take a small break from the series due to burnout, but the time off has only made me want to continue more. And so, I have finally started the sequel!

I'm working on improving the flow of dialogue and the arrangement of paragraphs. I feel like my biggest weakness in this book was how bunched together some of the paragraphs looked, so I'm working on spacing them out more to make it all easier to read.

Thanks for giving me some time to take a break. I won't be posting any of the sequel until it is finished, that way, if something happens and I cant finish it, I don't leave you all halfway through a story.

I will update again once it is complete, although it may take a couple months. I appreciate all of the support you guys have given me. See you soon!

Small update:
It's coming along! I will still need more time to complete the sequel, since I did have to move houses very recently, and I was very busy. But I felt like I should let you all know that it's on its way and progressing smoothly. Have a good day!

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now