Chapter 41: A Strange Feeling

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We walked back to the room after dinner, finally tired from today's events. My eyelids felt heavy as we reached the room, and I was already about to fall asleep.
I dug through my bag for my pajamas, taking out the soft shirt and pants. I remembered when I had borrowed Dilucs, and sighed. While these ones did fit me better, Dilucs were more comfortable.
I stood up and turned, noticing Diluc going through his own things. He looked up at me, offering a small smile. "Are you tired?" He asked.
I nodded. "Yeah. I'm going to change into some night clothes," I said, holding up my clothing. Looking around, I realized there wasn't another room to change in.
"Is something wrong?" Diluc asked, noticing my concern. Had he not realized yet?
"Can... you turn around?" I asked him, looking down at my clothes.
"Oh," Diluc said. He turned around quickly, but not before I saw his cheeks flush a little.
Damn you, Albedo... I thought to myself, making a mental note to ask him why he put us in such a tricky situation. Maybe the lack of closets or a second room was forgivable, as he possibly didn't know. Hotels and Inns didn't always list stuff like that. But the single bed was definitely intentional.
Why didn't I read the documents before leaving Mondstadt? I thought to myself as I changed, glancing over to Diluc occasionally to make sure he stayed turned around. Although, Diluc had always been very respectful towards me, so I had no doubts about him. It was mostly out of instinct, as I felt exposed when I changed.
I slipped on the pajamas, putting my other clothes in a bag. "Okay, sorry..."
"Kaeya and Albedo won't hear the end of this, will they?" Diluc said, turning back around. He face was still a little tinted, since he probably hadn't expected the situation either.
"Probably not," I said, laughing a little. "I still think Kaeya put him up to it."
"I've said it before, and I'll say it again," Diluc began, returning to his bag. "When in doubt, blame Kaeya."
"Flawless logic, if you ask me," I said, sitting on the bed. I felt nervous again, although I didn't know why. I had shared a bed with him before, so what was the issue?
I smiled at him, and he brought some clothes out of his bag. Without much of a warning, he began to remove his shirt. My cheeks flushed when I realized he was going to change, so I quickly turned away and gave him privacy.
I could hear the rustle of clothing as he changed, and my heart raced. He's changing in the same room as me... I thought, and then I wanted to slap myself. Why would I think such a strange thing?
Well... it was only an 'astute observation', right? All I was thinking about was the obvious, we were just changing in the same room. In the back of my mind, the urge to turn my head clawed it's way into my brain.
I wanted to slap myself again. Why am I thinking of such a... perverted thing? It was perverted to me at, least. I was sure I wouldn't appreciate Diluc spying on me. That's why I had glanced over so much, after all.
But still, my mind began to wander. However, it wasn't long before Diluc came over and sat with me, studying my expression.
"I said I'm all done," Diluc said, watching me with concern. I looked over to him, a little confused. "You blanked out there for a second."
"I-I did?" I said, coming back to my senses. "Oh, I... hadn't realized, sorry."
"It's alright, just making sure you're alright. It's been a long day, you need some rest," Diluc said, turning to the candle he had lit on the nightstand. He blew it out, leaving only mine flickering.
I did the same, turning to it and blowing it out. As I pulled the blankets over myself, I settled down and tried to fall asleep. My mind raced again, however. I wasn't sure why. I had imagined a scenario where I had peeked, what would I have seen?
Well, it's obvious what I would have seen, I thought to myself. These thoughts were intrusive, yet intriguing at the same time. But it couldn't hurt to at least think about, right?
No, I thought to myself again. He's right next to me, and that's not polite at all... It was true. Diluc was right next to me, and I felt his warmth radiating towards me.
The rest of the room was quite cold, and even the blankets didn't help much. His warmth was comforting, however it felt so far away...
Besides, I returned to my thoughts, rolling over slightly away from him. I wouldn't want him thinking about me like that, would I?
I turned my head back around, and Diluc was turned towards me. He opened his eyes a little, looking over to me. Would I?
"Are you cold, y/n?" He asked. I hadn't even noticed I was shivering a little, the cold biting at my skin. Although, was the cold the only reason?
"A little," I said, turning back towards him.
"It is somewhat cold in here," he said, glancing around the room. "Even I feel a little chilled."
"Even you?" I said, a little surprised. But even from here, he seemed so warm.
Fighting my instincts, I carefully scooted closer, just wanting to feel that warmth. "Diluc, you seem warm from over here..."
The darkness of the room made it hard to see, and I hoped that would hide my red face. "I do? He said, studying my expression.
Without much warning, he reached his arms around me. Pulling me close, my heart pumped as I came to rest against his chest. Not knowing what to say, I decided to just keep quiet and enjoy the warmth.
"Is this okay, y/n?" Diluc asked. I rested my hand on his chest without realizing, and felt his heart racing about as fast as mine. Was he that nervous?
"Y-yeah..." I said quietly, resting my face against him as well. I no longer shivered, as he kept me warm despite the cold air.
I felt a strange feeling. It wasn't the exact same as how I felt in the library that night, but it felt very similar. My heart raced, and my stomach felt funny. It was a different kind of funny from the usual, though.
His heartbeat began to slow, alongside his breathing. As his chest rose and fell slowly, his arms relaxed around me. Had he fallen asleep?
I felt like I was on the verge of falling asleep as well, but that strange feeling kept me from doing so. I couldn't understand it at all. My heavy eyelids draped my eyes closed, and I felt myself began to drift off.
But every time I began to fall asleep, I was interrupted by one of those intrusive thoughts again. What would have happened if I'd peeked? I felt guilty, as I was literally falling asleep in his arms.
Finally clearing those words from my mind, I felt myself falling into a deep sleep. I had what felt like a restless dream, although I couldn't remember what it was about.
It felt as though I was searching for something I wanted desperately, but was also scared to find. What could I possibly be looking for? Why was I scared? These incoherent and disconnected thoughts floated around in my brain as I dreamed.

I awoke the next morning, expecting to be looking at Dilucs chest. However, all I saw was the rest of the room. Where is Diluc?
I went to sit up, but was met with resistance. Blinking the sleep from my eyes, I tried to figure out why I couldn't get up. When I came to my senses, I realized I still felt his arms around me, and my back was pressed against something warm.
I turned my head over, and Diluc was still sleeping peacefully. His head was rested in the crook of my neck as he slept behind me, hugging me tight. The slightest bit of sunlight peeked into the room, indicating it was still early.
I felt that strange feeling again as he laid behind me, embracing me without realizing. Although it wasn't too tight, his hold on my was definitely secure. I couldn't move even if I'd tried.
I moved my legs a little, only to realize that his legs were entangled with mine. He had really shifted in his sleep, it seemed. My face went red when I thought about how close he was. T-this is even closer than we were last night...
Dilucs breathing was even, slow. This was the most peaceful I had seen anyone sleep. Although I wasn't sure how to feel about our proximity at the time, his relaxed expression made me bite my tongue as I turned back around, letting him be.
I relaxed in his hold, slightly enjoying the feeling of being so close to him. There I go again... I thought to myself. Thinking those weird thoughts...
But my stomach turned in a way it hadn't before. It wasn't bad in any way, but it was a feeling I couldn't begin to describe. Like something I desperately wanted, but I also felt scared of it. Is that what I had dreamed of?
It was strange.
I didn't know how much time had passed before I felt his eyelashes batting on my neck as he blinked his eyes awake. Diluc stayed still for a moment, his curly red hair resting on my shoulder slightly.
When he realized how close he was, he hesitantly brought his arms back. The warmth disappeared, and I felt cold again. "Y/n?" Diluc asked, wondering I was awake.
I looked over to him, blinking my eyes open. "Good morning Diluc..." I yawned, stretching a little.
He sat up, his hair falling around his shoulders. "Did I fall asleep too close to you?" He asked me, his cheeks tinting a little.
I shook my head. "No, you're good," I reassured him, although inside I felt like my heart was on fire. Can you hug me like that again?
"Sorry," he said, scratching the back of his head with a small smile. "I... hadn't realized I would do that."
I hesitantly sat up, wishing he had stayed there a little longer. "It's fine, really," I smiled at him, an ear raised innocently.
"If it doesn't bother you..." Diluc said, standing up. He turned his eyes to the window. "We should head out soon."
"Probably," I said, standing up as well. "I want to get as far as possible before night falls."
"We should be able to make it most of the way there," Diluc said, going through his bag. "We'll worry about setting up camp when we get there."
"Sounds good," I said, also starting to dig through my things. "Let's get going, then."

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now