Chapter 48: Chongyun, Xingqiu, and Xiangling

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We spent the day exploring the shops, smelling the Liyue cuisine as we walked down the busy streets. We could hear whispers of people talking about the death of Rex Lapis. Many thought they were only rumors, but Diluc and I knew that wasn't the case.
I had been worried for a bit that we would get found out. After all, a dozen Millileth had chased us down the steps. However, Childe seemed to have 'taken care' of those who did notice us. While more were on their way, we were long gone before they could even catch a glimpse.
Not only that, but Aether was already on his journey to clear his name, and ours while he was at it. Diluc and I had met him on his way out of the city.
"Diluc! Y/n!" We heard Paimon call out, her high pitched voice catching our immediate attention.
"I'm going to see the adepti in Juyuen Karst," Aether said, nonchalantly.
"Adepti?" I said, confused. "Slow down..."
"How can you even find them? Let alone speak to them..." Diluc said, also confused.
Aether held up a small talisman. "Childe said that it's a sigil of permission. With it, they won't kill me on sight... I hope," he laughed a little.
"Don't be so dramatic! They can't be that bad," Paimon said. "Childe also said that they will help us clear our name!"
"What makes you so sure?" I said. How could the Adepti of Liyue clear his name, if even they didn't know the true killer. "What if they think it was you?"
"They are sworn to protect Liyue and its people. When they find out about Rex Lapis's Death, they'll track down the killer. The Qixing have already taken full control over Liyue," Aether said, putting his sigil in his pocket. "That's why we need to get there first."
"Yeah, we have to go before the millileth get there and convince them otherwise!" Paimon said, shuddering a little. "Hey, it's pretty strange we ran into you here together. If you're working with the alchemists of the knights, why in Teyvat is Diluc here?"
"What do you mean?" I asked. I had forgotten that Diluc didn't really like the knights that much...
"I thought you and the knights didn't get along, Diluc," Aether asked curiously. "Why are you helping her?"
"That's..." Diluc said, hesitating a little. We were, after all, here for more reasons than just that. He was tagging along because he cared for me. How do we tell other people that we're dating? "She's technically with the alchemists. I don't have much of a problem with them..."
Aether raised a brow, although he still hadn't fully realized that we were together. "You didn't quite enjoy my title of Honorary Knight. Sure, you didn't stop being my friend because of it, but still. You didn't come all the way to Liyue to help the knights, did you?" He asked innocently.
Paimon gasped a little. "Are you together?" She asked with wide eyes, causing me to get a little flustered. She pieced it together before Aether did...
"You don't have to shout," Diluc said, crossing his arms. He seemed a little flustered, too. Does he not really know how to tell other people either?
"Oh," Aether said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Sorry for Paimon, she gets loud sometimes," he said to me. "Anyways, we've gotta go. Take care!"
Aether waved and took off, dragging a bewildered Paimon behind him. He flashed an apologetic smile before turning his head to face the streets ahead of him.
Diluc sighed. "Well, that's that it seems," he chuckled a little, looking up to the sky above us. "Would you look at that, It's almost dark again."
"Already?" I said, squinting at the orange sky. "Today really flew, huh?"
Diluc thought for a moment before turning to me. "Are you hungry?"
I nodded a little. "Should we eat at Wanmin? I'm sure that the friends I made would love to meet you," I smiled.
"Why not?" Diluc said, shrugging. "I had planned to take you there anyways before we came to Liyue."

I was a little surprised to see Xingqiu and Chongyun already at a table when we were walking up the Wanmin. Chongyun was holding a popsicle, watching the people walk by with a bored expression on his face. Xingqiu had his nose buried in a book. Neither of them had noticed us yet.
"That's them," I said, nudging Diluc while I pointed at them. "Xingqiu! Chongyun!" I called as I approached.
Xingqiu s eyes darted from his book, and Chongyun turned his head towards us, his bored expression disappearing. "Y/n! Who's that?" Xingqiu said, gesturing towards Diluc. "Come on, sit with us!"
Diluc stayed quiet as we sat with Chongyun and Xingqiu, studying them. "Y/n, is it true?" Chongyun said, intrigued. "You were at the Rite, weren't you?"
"Yeah," I said, not knowing exactly how to feel about the whole situation.
"What happened?" Xinqiu said, seeming slightly concerned. "All these people just keep talking, but..." he hesitated. "He can't be dead, can he?"
I looked over to Diluc, who hadn't said a word yet. "I'm... afraid that is the case..." he said gravely.
"How?" Chongyun said, nearly dropping his popsicle in surprise. "It can't be that simple to kill a god. And on the day of the Rite, too..."
"Pardon, but what's your name?" Xingqiu asked Diluc. He had a look to his eyes, as though he already knew who Diluc was. I did, after all, tell him already.
"Diluc," he said, glancing over to me. I offered a smile, assuring him that we could trust these people.
"Really?" Xingqiu said, seeming almost star struck.
Chongyun picked up the book that his friend had set down, slightly hitting Xingqiu in the head with it. I held back laughter as Xingqiu rubbed the back of his head. "Ow- what was that for?"
"Rex lapis is dead, and you're getting all star struck," Chongyun said in a scolding tone, showing a bit more emotion than he usually did. "Besides, don't be rude..."
"Sorry," Xingqiu said, apologizing to both Chongyun and Diluc.
"It's alright," Diluc said, smiling a little. "It's a harmless question."
Chongyun sighed. "So it is true then. Did you guys see anything unusual at all?"
I thought for a moment before shrugging. "I don't think so. It all seemed to be going fine, and then the sky went all dark, and he just... fell. I don't know what happened."
"I thought I noticed the sky getting darker," Xinqiu said, taking his book back from Chongyun. He dusted it off, setting it back on the table. "I was reading this book, but I just thought a cloud passed or something."
"Today was cloudless, Xingqiu," Chongyun said, sighing again.
"Heh... I didn't notice, I guess," he said. "Hey y/n, did you run into anymore treasure hoarders?"
I shook my head. "Nope. It's strange, I saw him earlier and then he just disappeared into the crowd."
"Maybe he'll leave you alone," Xingqiu said with hope. "Especially if you're with Diluc."
I looked over to Diluc, who seemed to be in thought. "Were you the one who helped y/n earlier today?" He asked, remembering what I had told him.
"Yeah," Xingqiu replied, glancing at me for a moment.
"Thank you," Diluc said, sounding a little relieved. "Really, thank you."
I looked down a little, flustered that he had cared so much for me. He sure seemed thankful to Xingqiu. I was too, after all.
"Hey, no need!" Xingqiu said, putting his hands up in expression. "I was just in the right place at the right time, that's all."
"Y/n! Chongyun! Xingqiu! Another person I've never met before!" Said a familiar voice.
I looked over with my ears perked. "Xiangling, how's it going tonight?"
"Busy, but not too bad," she said, waving to Chongyun and Xingqiu. "Who's this?"
"This is Diluc," I introduced Diluc, who waved a little with a small smile on his face.
"Hm... I think I might actually remember you. Have you been here before?" Xiangling said, examining him closely.
"I'm surprised you do," Diluc said. "I came here years ago. You weren't working here yet, though. You were just a kid then."
"Well, I tend to remember a lot of customers!" She said, laughing a little.
"You know her?" I said, surprised.
"I've been to Wanmin before," Diluc said, reminding me of our prior conversations. "Not in a long time. She wasn't really working tables back then, though," he laughed.
"Well then, Diluc," Xiangling said, bringing out a pen and some paper. "Do you want anything to eat?"

I walked back into the hotel room, sighing. "So tired," I said, collapsing on the bed.
"You sure seem like it," Diluc said, walking in behind me. He took his coat off, hanging it by the door. "Your friends seemed like good people."
"I'm glad you think so too," I said, reluctantly sitting up. I began to take off my shoes, tired from the walking we had done that day. "And the food was great, too."
"That Chongyun," Diluc said, taking his shoes off as well. "It surprised me that he ordered cold noodles. I haven't heard of people eating them cold."
"Yeah, he had them for lunch, too," I said, remembering when I had met him. "I wonder why. Maybe he likes cold food more?"
"You still have a couple days here to ask him," Diluc said. He grabbed some clothes from his bag, walking over to the large closet. "One second."
He walked in and closed the door, and I assumed he was changing his clothing. I surpressed the strange feeling before it had even started. Why was I even feeling that? He's behind a closed door now, anyways.
Only a door... I shook the thoughts out of my head and walked to my bag, grabbing my clothes as well. The room felt a little chilly like it had at Wangshu Inn, although not as cold.
Diluc opened the door to the closet and stepped out, setting his old clothes inside his bag. I went in after him, closing the door quickly.
As I changed, I unconsciously entertained the thought of what would happen if the door opened... it wasn't long before I shook my head again, feeling weird and unsure about myself.
My eyelids felt heavy as I opened the door to the closet, putting my old clothes away and looking back towards the bed. Diluc was already fast asleep, his chest slowly rising as falling as he breathed evenly.
I stopped for a moment, realizing how far I had come. Just about a few weeks prior, I was only just walking through the gates of Mondstadt. I had never expected to even meet Diluc, and here I was. Sharing a bed with him in a hotel in Liyue.
Although I had that strange feeling again with that last thought, it was intermingled with how I truly felt about him. How glad I was that he was still around. That I hadn't lost him that night.
I pulled myself together, realizing I had been looked at him for a few seconds. Walking to the bed sluggishly, I climbed in and under the covers, exhausted. As I felt myself drifting off to sleep, I found myself in a similar position to the one I encountered at Wangshu Inn.
Within a few minutes of laying down, I felt his arm reaching over me. I was surprised at first, turning to Diluc to see that he was fast asleep still. His arm pulled my closer, and I found myself snug against him once more.
At first I was a little embarrassed, but the warmth only drew me closer to him. I buried my head under his chin, feeling the warmth lull me to sleep.

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now