Chapter 6: An Outing?

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The red haired man barely avoided Klee and Noelle, stepping to the side quickly. He breathed a sigh of relief as he watched them continue down the street, uninterrupted.
Diluc then turned to continue down the street, and then stopped for a moment when he saw me. I felt my heart rate pick up slightly, and I debated whether or not I should approach him.
Deciding for me, he waved slightly and picked up his pace to meet me.
"Diluc," I said, greeting him. "Where're you off to?" Smiling, I crossed my arms and raised an ear.
"I left the winery early today," he said, gazing around Mondstadt. "I'm planning to open early tonight. The streets sure are busy, aren't they?"
"I wonder why that is," I questioned, noticing the activity as well.
"You don't know?" He said, a brow raised. "The wind bloom festival is happening soon. In a few days, to be precise."
"Really? I had no idea it was so soon!" I felt excitement course through my veins as I thought about how I would celebrate the festival. "I've never really been in Mondstadt while it's happening, so it'll actually be my first time participating." I said, slightly embarrassed to have never participated in such a major event.
"Is that so?" He questioned, glancing at me. "I don't usually stick around for the festivities. The bustle of the people tires me. But... I suppose I'll make an exception if you'll join me?"
I felt my heart flutter slightly. "Oh! I'd love to." I felt my cheeks start to glow a little, but I kept myself in check quickly. He likely didn't mean it like that...
"Also, I have a question for you Diluc," I said quickly before he walked away to open the tavern. He turned to me, his red eyes watching me attentively. "Are you doing anything tomorrow? I wanted to go pick some wolfhooks to make some homemade deserts, but I'm a little worried to leave Mondstadt after what happened last time." I felt myself shudder slightly at the thought.
His face turned to a look of concern. "Of course, I'm not busy tomorrow. I can meet you at the fountain by noon," He said. "Are you off work by then?"
I nodded. "Yeah, I'll be off at noon tomorrow. I'll remember lunch this time, I promise." I smiled, remembering how he picked an apple for me last time. "Would you like me to bring you something? We can eat while we are out... like a picnic."
Diluc put a finger to his chin. "I haven't done something like that in a long time." He turned to me. "Very well."
He began to walk down the street towards the tavern. "Wait, what do you want from good hunter?" I exclaimed.
Diluc looked over his shoulder to me as he walked down the street. "I'll let you pick," he began. "I trust you have good taste!" And he continued down the street.
I turned to walk back towards headquarters, my head spinning from the interaction.

When I reached my room, I closed the door and then leaned back on it. I sighed as I clutched my chest, which beat quickly as I thought over the conversation.
Oh boy. He trusted me to order something he'd like? What would he like? I couldn't just bring him grape juice, that wouldn't be much of a meal.
Just then, I heard a knock at the door. I turned around and creaked it open. "Kaeya! You're at my door... again?"
"Yeah yeah, I know I stop by a lot." He laughed as he walked in. I rolled my eyes as he strolled past the doorway, and I closed the door. "So, are you trying to figure out something?"
I raised a brow, puzzled. "How could you possibly know that?"
He shrugged. "Intuition, I guess." Smiling, he looked at me with a raised brow. "I saw you talking to him and then you immediately came back here. Lots of people go to their room to think, right?"
I walked away from the door and took a seat on my bed. "Yeah, you're right."
"Well? What is it?"
I put a finger to my chin as I recalled the conversation. "Well, he agreed to come outside Mondstadts walls with me tomorrow so I can get wolfhooks for something... and I came up with the idea to bring lunch. He said to order what I think he'll like but... I'm not sure. Does he like steak?"
"Your not far off, but that seems far too heavy for lunch, doesn't it?" I nodded as he spoke. "Well, if I tell you, you're going to owe me one for this, you know."
I glared at him playfully. "We are going to grab wolfhooks for wolfhook pie. You know. For Albedo."
"Oh." He looked away, slightly embarrassed. "Then... I suggest you bring some Mondstadt grilled mushroom skewer, or something light. It's a good lunch and it's easy to bring with you to Wolvndom."
"I guess I'll go with something like that." I stretched. "I'm going to have to borrow Sucroses picnic set. We used to have picnics all the time as kids, but she took it with her when she moved here."
Kaeya had a strange look on his face but only for a moment. It was so brief I hardly noticed it.
He got up before I could really think about it. "Well, it sounds like you have that covered. Just let me know if you need anything else, okay?"
"Will do Kaeya," I got up to open the door for him. "Thanks again."

He nodded before walking out of my room. Leaving me to my thoughts, I sat in bed for a while longer while I contemplated how the outing would go.

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now