Chapter 22: Crimson

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"That's pretty useful," I raised my bow, pulling string tight. Aiming quickly, I released the flaming arrow and watched it fly. It went up into the air, and landed perfectly on the untouched tent.
As the tent became engulfed in flames, treasure hoarders that were still inside poured out. I watched as they ran out in confusion, noticing the chaos around them.
Taking a moment to look around the scene, I counted around thirty of them, although the number quickly started to go down. They were caught by surprise, and were under attack by vision holders, after all.
"Where is he?" I asked myself, searching for a specific treasure hoarder. "I think he ran off..."
"Who did?" Amber said, releasing an arrow that knocked another enemy off the board.
"I'm trying to find a specific one," I said, pulling another arrow. "The first one who robbed me."
"He's here?" She asked, and I nodded in response.
My eyes went wide when I saw others join the fight. "Kaeya?"
Kaeya ran towards Diluc, his sword drawn. They fought hand in hand, watching each other's backs as they did. "Despite all their differences, Kaeya and Diluc fight well together," Amber said, watching the battle. "It's almost more impressive than when they fight each other over Kaeyas tab," she chuckled.
"Wish I could see that," I joked, notching another arrow. "You see that one? With the big hat?"
Amber nodded, watching me pull the string back. I released the arrow, and it flew straight towards the enemy. It took the hat straight off his head.
"Good shot!" Amber said as the man put his hands on his now hatless head.
"And look behind him! I didn't even waste the arrow," I pointed, seeing that I had managed to strike another one behind him. The arrow buried itself in his leg. I winced a little, realizing I had never really hurt someone before.
Seeing my mood change, Amber cheered me up. "Don't feel bad for them," she said, pulling her string back. "They've probably killed a few people themselves."
I nodded, pushing the guilt aside and trying to focus on the battle. "Sucrose? Albedo?"
Albedo emerged from the woods and began to fight on the other end of the camp. Drawing his sword, Albedo began to slash at his enemies, keeping a watch on Sucrose as he did.
Sucrose put a hand over her vision for a moment, before summoning a catalyst. The wind whipped at the enemies, keeping them away from herself and Albedo. She looked over to me for a moment, and I could see her breathe a sigh of relief before returning to battle.
"Everyone is here..." I said, clutching my bow. "You all came for me... why?"
"You can thank Kaeya and Diluc," Amber smiled, pulling another arrow. "If Diluc hadn't gone to him for help, I wouldn't be here, and neither would anyone else."
He went to Kaeya, the Knights, for help?
"How did you know where to go?" I asked. I set my bow down and sat for a moment, my arms soreness becoming apparent again.
"Thank Razor for that one. Although, thank Diluc as well," Amber said, mentioning Dilucs efforts again. "Razor followed you here, and watched. He discovered they had no plan to return you safely."
She continued to shoot, focusing on the battle. Diluc came because he knew they would hurt me. He knew that if he came, he would put himself in danger. "He did that for me?" I asked myself quietly.
"Hey," Amber said, looking over to me. "He cares about you a lot, you know."
I flushed as I thought about it. Maybe I just wasn't used to someone going so far for me, although to be fair I had never been in that situation. "I'm just ready to go home," I said, smiling at her.

Not long after, Amber gave me the all clear. She held her hand out to me, pulling me to my feet. I slung my bow over my shoulder, walking down to the camp.
Everyone had gathered at the center to regroup. Kaeya, Albedo, Sucrose, Razor, and Diluc waited for Amber and I at the fire the hoarders had been gathered around. I welcomed the warmth of the fire, exhaustion settling in.
Before I could rest, my eyes fell on Diluc. He turned to me, before smiling with relief. His arms outstretched, and I felt the urge to run straight to him.
I forgot all about my tired legs, my sore arms, and my nervousness. All I wanted was to be in his arms. Without hesitation, I ran to him.
He arms wrapped around me comfortably as I crashed into him, burying my face in his chest.
"Y/n..." Diluc said quietly to me. "You aren't hurt, are you?"
I shook my head, trying not to let tears fall from my eyes. "No, I'm okay," I reassured him, although it felt more like I was reassuring myself. "You came for me. I thought... I thought the worst. I thought you were going to get hurt, Diluc."
His hand raised to my head, his fingers gently running through my hair. "Y/n... don't be so stubborn..." I stayed quiet, just happy to be with him. "Why can't you just worry about yourself..." he whispered under his breath.
"Well, that was fun," Kaeya said after coughing a little.
I looked over as Albedo shoved him a little. "Don't be like that, Kaeya," He said.
I laughed a little, my cheeks slightly pink from embarrassment. "Right... we should go back to Mondstadt, Diluc," I said, hesitantly pulling away. "I think I've had enough Wolvndom for today."
"Y/n?" Sucrose spoke up meekly. "I'm... I'm glad you're okay."
I walked over to her, and she smiled a little. "I'm sorry. You... you were probably really worried, weren't you?"
Sucrose nodded her head at me before hugging me tightly. "Of course I was..." she let go of me before studying carefully. "Don't do that again..."
"I won't get abducted again, I promise," I joked before turning to everyone else. "Let's just go home. I'm tired."
We began to walk away. The air was light, and everyone seemed relieved. He's here, I thought. I'm fine now...

So why do I still feel dread?

My thoughts overpowered me, and I scanned the forest edge again. I froze.
"Did something happen?" Razor asked me. I watched Diluc walking towards us, a few paces behind everyone else.
"I heard something..." I said, and Sucrose stopped too, looking back at me. She heard it as well.
Sucrose eyes widened. "Footsteps?"
I saw a strange glint at the edge of the forest. I squinted, and Diluc noticed my concern. He stopped and looked behind him towards the trees.
My ears went flat as I realized. The missing treasure hoarder... the one that robbed me the first time, who disappeared at the start of the battle. I still hadn't found him.
That glint was metal. The metal of the tip of an arrow. "Diluc, watch out!" I yelled, pulling my bow.
I notched the arrow and pulled it back quickly. As it flew through the air, I heard a click. The glint of the metal disappeared, and time seemed to slow.
Diluc turned back to me, frozen. I watched as the metal tipped arrow fired from a crossbow hurtled towards him, too quick for him to react. I watched my arrow hit its target, and he fell over on the edge of the forest. But I was still too late.
I watched with horror as Diluc collapsed, an arrow buried deep in his side. I screamed, but heard nothing.
Running towards him, I dropped at his side and examined the wound, panic setting in. He reached his hand over and grasped the arrow, yanking it out. "No! Don't!" I said, but I was too late again. "You'll bleed out!"
I watched as blood gushed from his side. I held my hand against his side, trying to stop the blood. My hand pulled away, covered in the sickly crimson liquid.
I heard him groaning out in pain as he tossed the arrow aside.
"Diluc?" I looked over to see Kaeya turn around to see his brother in critical condition. Albedo rushed past him, rushing over to our side.
Sucrose reached us first, looking over the wound. "Oh, that's... that's not good," she said, panicking. She grabbed a bandage out of a bag. "I brought this just in case. It doesn't look like it hit any organs..." Sucrose said, although she sounded unsure.
As she packed them on, trying to stop the bleeding, Amber ran over. "What just happened?" She shouted in concern.
I pointed to the edge of the forest where I had shot the hoarder. "Over there! He- he shot Diluc with a crossbow!" I gestured to the metal arrow on the ground tearfully, red with Dilucs blood.
In shock, Diluc touched his fingers to his side. The blood leaked straight through the bandages. When he pulled away, he studied the blood staining his gloves.
"Thats..." he coughed a little, and blood splattered as he did. "That's not... that can't be good."

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now