6. ♡ Newborn couple ♡

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"How is our newborn couple?"

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"How is our newborn couple?"


The first task was drawing steadily nearer.

Harry wrote back to Sirius saying that he and his best friend Daniella would be beside the common room fire at the time Sirius had suggested.

One day after classes Harry went with his invisibility cloak to the Forbidden Forest to meet with Hagrid since he told Harry that he needed to show him something.

In the meantime, Daniella, Ron and Hermione were sitting in the common room waiting for him.

"Doesn't it take him too long?" asked Hermione nervously

"Don't worry, 'Mione, he is fine, I'm sure",  Dani tried to calm her since she knew that he was absolutely fine

"What if-", she was cut off when Harry came through the portrait hall

"Harry! What did he show you?" Asked Hermione

"Dragons", he said sitting next to Daniella, "that's the first task"

Ron and Hermione gasped

"Blimey!", exclaimed Ronald

"We should go to the library tomorrow to find out how to defeat them", told Hermione

Everyone looked at Daniella since she didn't look very shocked and didn't say anything.

She noticed their looks on her, "what?"

"Aren't you going to react somehow?" Asked Ron

"Eh, yeah, I think I know how to help you, Harry. I'll tell you tomorrow"

"Well", he looked at her suspiciously, "good"

Hermione wanted to ask her about it but was interrupted by three second-year students who came to them and looked nervously at Harry and Daniella.

"Hello, we w-wanted to ask if you've already seen the new c-copy of Daily Prophet. If not we could g-give you ours", one of the girls stuttered

"Hi!," Daniella said excitedly while Harry was slightly uncomfortable with that, "no I haven't, thanks", she took the paper that younger students were handing them

"I haven't either, let's see" Said Hermione and set next to Dani

Ron didn't say anything and just squeezed himself between Harry and Daniella to read it too.

Much of the front page had been given over to a picture of Harry. Under his picture was a photo of Daniella and Harry sitting in the Great hall together, that day after the interview, smiling at each other:

《 Aside from his school life and worrying about the Triwizard Tournament the youngest champion Harry Potter has an interesting love life. We asked about that some fellow students of Hogwarts:

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