Part Twenty-Three

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Veronica's POV

"Is something wrong?" Toni asked me. I looked at her.

"Everything is okay, I guess," I told them.

"What do you mean you guess?" betty asked.

"It's nothing. I'm just not ready for graduation or anything yet," I sort of lied.

"I don't really think any of us are,"

"No, there's something else. What is it?" Cheryl asked.

"It's nothing. Just Jughead and I are fighting,"

"What about?" Toni asked. 

"Our relationship. He's getting worried about us going to two different schools. He thinks things aren't gonna work out and if he keeps thinking like that, that's exactly what's gonna happen." I sighed.

"Maybe you should talk to him,"

"Don't you think I've tried? He doesn't listen to me. It's like he just wants to end things before we leave just so if we do end up breaking up we won't have to be a thousand miles apart if it does happen."

"Is that what he said?"

"That's what it sounded like to me. I mean, could it happen... maybe. But that could be a few years from now. Why can't we just enjoy it while it lasts? Although I hope it'll last forever,"

"It will last forever. All you have to do is let me talk to him," Toni said.

"Why so you can hurt him?"


"No! You're not gonna hurt, my boyfriend!"

"But why not?"

"Because I'm going to figure it out. You just have to give me time," then my phone buzzed and I looked at it. "I guess I'm not getting as much time as I'd like. He just texted me. I gotta go,"

Once I showed up at his trailer it was kind of quiet. We've been arguing fro a while now. Mainly because we're about to graduate and things have been getting really hard between us. It's obvious that both of us hate the fighting but that's just how it is right now. Maybe we should just take a break or something.

"What did you want me to come over for?" I asked.

"Because we need to talk,"

"I know but everytime we do we end up arguing,"

"We aren't going to do that this time. This time we are going to talk like nice, normal, civilized people. Can you do that?"

"I can. The real question is can you?"

"I will,"

"That what? What do you want to talk about?"

"You coming with me,"


"You come with me for a few years,"

"Are you suggesting I move with you and then when you graduate college I go?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying,"


"Hear me out,"

"No, I'm not going to do that. That's like putting my life on pause for four years and I'm not gonna do that just because you can't handle the fact that we'll be a thousand miles apart. Whycan't you just except that? What are you scared of?"

"I'm not scared of anything I just want to be with you,"

"Yeah, but we have summers and breaks when we could see each other,"

"But I wanna be able to see you in person everyday,"

"I'm sorry but I'm not gonna go with you,"

"Why not?"

"Would you do it for me if I asked?" He stayed quiet. "That's exactly what I thought. You wouldn't want to put your life on pause so why are you asking me to do it?" I got up. "You can't me to do something that wouldn't do yourself,"

"You walk that door and we're over,"

"Oh, so that's what we're doing. We're being manipulative now." He stood up and you could tell he was pissed. "You never loved me, did you?"

"That's not what I said,"

"But that's what it sounds like. Why did I ever think you'd be different?"

"Don't compare me to the other guys! I'm just trying to figure out a way for us to continue being together,"

"By stopping my life." I opened the door. 

"I swear if you step out that door we're over!"

"I guess that's it. That's the end of us." I sighed and walked out of the trailer. 

I waited till I got home to let myself finally break. I leaned against the door and just let go. I don't understand why I'm so upset about it I kind of expected it to happen. And at this moment I wish I would've made it to my room first because my mom ended up being home.

"What the hell? Veronica, are you okay?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and tried to stop myself from crying for a second.

"We broke up,"

"Wait, come on," She pulled me up. 

"What are you doing?"

"Just come with me," she pulled me to her bedroom. "Sit,"

"Mom, what the hell?"

"Calm down," she said and sat next to me. "Take a few breaths and talk to me. Tell me what happened."

I explained to her everything that happened from the moment I was hanging with my friends to the  moment I got the house. I held back a few tears as I told her everything. 

"Maybe I'm meant to be alone,"

"No, don't say that. You just haven't found the right one,"

"I thought he was the right one,"

"Come on. You're 18. There will be more boys and a few of them will still hurt you. That doesn't mean you get to stop trying."

"I will. Temporarily. For the next four years I will just focus on me,"

"Didn't you say that after you broke up with-"

"Hush! I mean it now! I will wait!"

"Okay, sure."

"It's getting late and I have school in the morning. I'm gonna get ready for bed,"

"Okay," I left her room and went to mine. I sighed a little. Maybe she's right I just don't want to think about anything right now.

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