27- Lilly & Joey & Jesse

Start from the beginning

Lilly led us into the laundry room and locked the door behind us.

"Lilly, what's going on?", Josie asked again.

"This is the only place on the ship with no cameras or microphones."

We began looking around for any cameras and we didn't see any.

"Okay, what does that have to do with anything?"

There was a knock at the door. We all looked at each other.

"It's me.", we heard a deep voice say.

Lilly opened the door and in walked a man. Not far behind him was the woman I've been dying to see all day.


Mom smiled weakly at me. She wrapped her arms around me before reaching for Josie. Surprisingly, Josie let mom hug her.

"You're the guy who saved Josie.", Rocco said.

I looked at the man and realized that he was the guy who came and helped Josie.

Josie stepped forward.

"Thank you for helping me."

The man looked at her with wide eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He looked at Lilly who nodded towards Josie in response.

"You're very welcomed, Josephine."

"Josephine? How'd you know my name is Josephine?"

He looked at Lilly and then back at Josie.

"I- I...Lilly told me."

"Does anyone want to explain what we're doing here?"

"I have a way of getting you all off this ship tonight. Ernie isn't on the ship and he won't return until tomorrow. There are castaway speedboats attached to the ship in case of emergency. All we have to do is get to the boats and then we can escape. There's a phone near the boats. We can call for help before we leave.", the man explained.

"And why should we trust you? We don't even know you.", Josie asked.

"My name is Dennis. All I care about is getting you all out of here. You can trust me."

"He could be working for Ernie. This could be a trap.", Nina said.

"I trust him. He wants off of this ship as much as we do. This may be our only shot getting off of this ship.", Lilly said.

"He did save Josie's life.", Rocco said as he held Josie closer to him.

"Trust me, I hate Ernie and his family as much as you all do."


"Apparently, Ernie got adopted by psychopaths and he married another one. They have 7 kids."

"This could be a trick.", Malcolm said.

"Ernie took my daughter hostage. Trust me when I say, I would love to see that guy dead."

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