Chapter 35: Journey to love

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Lorenzo's POV

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" I hiss at myself. "You're fucking stupid, Lorenzo!" I slam my hands onto the steering wheel in frustration and anger, filled with regret for leaving the woman I fucking love. My feelings for her are overwhelming, yet I made the foolish choice to part ways with her.


I cannot help but curse myself for this reckless action. "So damn stupid!" I growl, shaking my head at myself, wishing I thought this through before making an irrational decision.

Kitten chose to leave college for me. She chose me over her damn future, and I fucking let her go! I let her go, knowing damn well I need her.

I am in love with her.

I run my hand through my hair in frustration, a sudden cry escaping my lips fueled by the overwhelming rage consuming me, thinking about how idiotic I am to have run away from love as regrets and doubts gnaw at my mind.

The girl I fell in love with that changed me completely! Despite being a player for twenty-five years, I had never experienced the feeling of love until I met her.

I met her again. Then I forced her away.

Shaking my head, I punch the steering wheel, remembering what she said to me, her voice appearing so real. "It's okay to take risks, especially when it's with the person you love," a tear slips from my eye, thinking about when I left her when she told me she fucking loved me, and I never said anything. I never said it back!

"I never said anything!" I never told her how much I loved her! How much I am fucking in love with her!

I never did...I fucking never did! All I needed to do was say I love you back because I did.

Irrespective of the circumstances, I find myself unable to let go without confessing my true feelings to her. I must return to her and express the depth of my love to convey that my heart beats for her and her alone.

"Fucking, stupid! Why am I so fucking stupid?" I growl in rage, my hands tightening around the steering wheel, my knuckles getting pale from how tight I am holding it.

I suddenly steer my car into a sharp U-turn, causing my tires to screech loudly against the road, knowing I need to see my girl that I am deeply in love with. I need her.

My heart races with anticipation as I speed down the street toward her house, the only destination on my mind. I know I must tell her how I feel, express the intensity of my emotions, and make her understand the depth of my love. And when I finally reach her, I will hold her close and kiss her with every fiber of my body, as if my very existence depends on it.

I can not wait to press my lips against hers and taste her. Taste how sweet she is.

Out of nowhere, the blaring noise of a police car's siren pierces through the air from behind me, catching me off guard and causing a surge of frustration to wash over me.


This is not the fucking time. I don't have fucking time.

I groan in anger, slowing my car down and stopping at the side of the road, blowing out a heavy breath of irritation and gritting my teeth.

I recline in my seat, resting my back against the backrest and tapping my fingers on the steering wheel with impatience, anticipating his exit from his car, feeling like risking everything to get to kitten, but I know better not to.

The police car door opens, and a man walks out, starting his way towards me. I growl, closing my eyes but open them when the police knock against my car, looking down at me through the window.

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