Chapter 25: Feelings vs Agony

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Lorenzo's POV

I sit around the hospital bed with my hand intertwined with Kitten's fingers. My eyes are pierced on her face watching as she rests in agony.

She has bruises under her eyes, cuts that got stitches all over her beautiful face, her arm in a cast, her stomach stitched from getting cut in the accident. Her feet strained and unable to move, along with a broken rib and a twisted ankle that is no longer twisted, the doctor untwisted it back.

All that fucking injuries she got, and she didn't deserve any, she deserves better...she deserves the world and not to be in this state, but because of me, she is.

It fucking pains me to know that was the only way I could've saved her from being killed.

I wish I can take all her pain away and go through all of it, only for her. The things I want to do for her it's like I am falling for her...

Damn, all this time, it finally hit me.

Why do I want to protect her so much?

Why do I want to go the extra mile for her?

Why do I want to take all her pain away?

Because I am falling for her.

Because I am freaking falling for her!

Oh, my freaking God, she's slowly capturing my heart.

This girl is truly a God-sent, and after all, I put her through, she's still by my side.

After all these years of being alone and miserable, being a womanizer before I turned into an abductor, I finally find someone I am falling for, someone who has changed me. I never thought of seeing this day.

Kitten is truly the one, but to careful consideration, does she feel the same way about me? Is she falling for me like I am falling for her?

Thinking about it, all this won't matter when I let her go.

She has a life ahead of her, and she can't stay with me forever and don't follow her dreams. One day I will have to let her go, and that day will be the hardest day I will ever have to face, but it's for the best.

That's the only way she'll be safe and stay away from the danger that will follow after me.

I doubt all this will be over when I put Alex down.

Killing Diego meant war.

"Lorenzo?" I hear a weak whisper and my eyes snap towards Kitten's as she slowly opens them.

Her beautiful light brown eyes meet mine, and a weak, fragile smile creep to her face, and that makes me smile seeing that she is. "Hi, beautiful," I whisper, rubbing my hand on top of the one I held softly.

She's also hooked up to machines, and the hand I held has a tube inside, giving her my blood.

Blood I gave without hesitation.

"I-I knew you would save m-me," I slightly give her a nod smiling at her before I hold my head down, biting my bottom lip.

After everything that happened, she only cared that I saved her, and not the fact that I didn't protected her and she got kidnapped, and I was the cause that the car crashed.

She's truly the sweetest person alive. She only cared about one thing.

I lift my head to look at her with a weak nod. "Yeah, I had to save you, Kitten," her eyes are pierced into mine, and it feels like everything around me disappeared, and it's only us inside this room.

The silence that takes over is the silence I would prefer to hear when she doesn't talk because it has so much power and meaning. It's like a love song is singing for us, but it's the type that has no vocals. The tension of appreciation, affection, and concern is all we can understand, and maybe more.

It brings my memory back to today when she was licking her ice cream, and I couldn't help but gawk at her, the most beautiful girl I've ever met in my life, and remembering what my life was before her, and trying to figure out my feelings. Of course, I was thinking about something else when she was licking and sucking that ice cream, but it's not all about intercourse that comes to mind with her. There's more, like my feelings.

"Why are you so quiet?" I give her a small smile when she asks.

"Just thinking. How are you feeling?" I didn't want to tell her how I felt because I am not sure if she feels the same. I am not sure I will even tell her.

"I feel like shit," she chuckles, but I didn't, not that I didn't want to, but it's the fact that I am the cause of it. "Are you okay?" She asks, concerned.

Why is she even asking if I was fucking okay! She is the one on a hospital bed in severe pain that freaking caused by me, and she's not even mad at me!

Why is she so damn selfless?! Oh, my God, and that's the thing I love about her, so God damn much, but I hate that she's that way.

This girl is going to be the death of me!

"Damn, Kitten, why can't you be self-centered for a minute?!"

She looks at me confusingly, "I-I don't- what are you talking about?" She blinks at me, and it makes me soften looking at how innocent and sweet she is.

"You care about everyone but yourself. I am fine and healthy, but you're on a hospital bed, and you're asking if I was okay. Oh my God, just be mad at me."

"But I am not. You saved me-"

"But I was the caused of what happened to you," I didn't want to have to tell her that, but I couldn't hold it in.

"That was the only- ow," I shot from my chair when she squealed in pain.

"What's wrong? Are you in pain? Did I hurt you-"

"No, no. I am fine. I only tried moving my sprained leg," I sigh in relief, looking at her with concern.

She scared me to death. I place a light kiss on her forehead then sit on the chair, intertwining my hand with hers once again. "You scared me," I whisper.

"I am sorry," I shake my head at her.

Why is she even apologizing for something she didn't even caused?

"Please don't apologize," I warn her.

She blinks at me, "Why?" She whispers confusingly.

"Because if you be selfless or kind one more time, I swear to God I will f-"

"Good night, Mr. and Mrs. Fernández," a doctor burst the door open and walks inside. She came at the wrong time. "How are you doing, Mrs. Fernández?" The doctor asks while Kitten stares at me, wanting to hear what I had to say, and I smirk at her.

"I, um, I feel better than earlier," she finally turns to face the doctor.

"That's great, Mrs. Fernández, but I have to keep you here for a better recovery until the wounds are completely healed, and the bones are fully set. Are the pain killers working?"

"Yeah, but I think they are wearing out. I felt a pain on my leg a little while ago," Kitten explains.

"I don't think it's the pills, but you need to keep your feet steady for it not to hurt. Do you feel pain anywhere else on your body?"

"Um, no. Everything else is okay, but my question is, how long will it take for me to fully recover?" I look at the doctor for her response, hoping it won't be too long.

"It depends on how bad the injuries are, but it takes approximately six weeks for a broken rib to heal, but an arm is about twelve weeks, but you can leave with an arm cast, so it's doesn't really count. We will treat the wounds and buries, and we will continue to give you medicines until that day comes, okay?"

Kitten nods. The doctor walks towards the machine then begins to scribe something down on a clipboard she holds. When she got what she wanted, she left.

Kitten turns to look at me. "You have to get rid of Alex before he hurts my mom," she pleads.

My Abductor, My Submissive 16+Where stories live. Discover now