Chapter 12: Chase

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Lorenzo carries back his gear, then presses on his gas, speeding into distance.

Meanwhile, the car trailing behind begins to increase its speed, gradually moving up alongside our vehicle, causing my eyes to widen in horror, and to instinctively cover my mouth as I gaze at the man who had restrained me earlier.

His expression is filled with rage and madness.

Suddenly, he retrieves a gun and aims it directly at me, causing my eyes to widen.

Just in the nick of time, Lorenzo accelerates even further and swerves, attempting to prevent the pursuing car from closing in on us.

I quickly lower my head, shielding myself as bullets shatter the rear window.

Reacting swiftly, Lorenzo reaches for his Glock, extending it through the window and returning fire at our pursuer, but it keeps evading the bullets and continues driving behind us, not stopping at anything as he shoots after us.

Lorenzo turns a corner where cars come insight, making me lift my head only to see tons of vehicles.

Shit, shit, shit! We are going to kill someone.

Oh hell! No! I clasp my hands over my head with my eyes widen.

With a mixture of despair and dread, I steal a glance at Lorenzo. "Lorenzo..." I utter, my voice filled with warning, as he accelerates and skillfully navigates through the congested lanes, retracting his Glock into the safety of our car.

A sigh of relief escapes me as he complies with my unspoken plea.

Nevertheless, the relentless assailant behind us persists, unleashing a barrage of bullets as we approach the traffic, causing the surrounding vehicles to slow down, and panic once again grips me, fearing the momentary deceleration might provide an opportunity for the man to reach us.

The thought of stopping fills me with terror, as it would inevitably lead to our death.

He will stop at nothing to kill us!

However, Lorenzo remains resolute, unwavering in his determination. He refuses to decrease our speed even slightly, propelling us forward at maximum acceleration.

He deftly swerves between lanes, skillfully navigating past cars, motorcycles, and trucks, without risking a momentary pause.

A mix of relief and concern washes over me as we swiftly overtake the vehicles, maintaining our relentless pace.

The sight of him not slowing down brings me a sense of joy, but a nagging worry lingers as we speed past the cars without any signs of slowing down.

My hands are clutched up at the roof to keep from jerking up and down or forward whenever he takes unexpected brakes or turns. I look behind me and see that the guy is far behind and getting out of sight. I can't believe Lorenzo actually did that. was hot.

He maintains his high-speed maneuvering through the traffic until there are no more cars slowing down or coming to a halt. Only vehicles driving at a steady pace remain in our vicinity.

In that moment, a realization dawns to me- I am increasingly distanced from my hometown. It prompts me to wonder, are they searching for me?

Are my parents or the authorities frantically trying to find any trace of my whereabouts?

Lost in these contemplations, I observe Lorenzo as he continues propelling us further into the distance.

He skillfully operates the steering wheel with one hand while the other rests confidently on the gear shift, his head leaning back slightly, his gaze fixed ahead.

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