"you are now the worst at keeping secrets."

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A/N - I know I've been gone a while but I've been stuck for so long on this story. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, once I knew where to go with this it was so much fun to write. Hopefully, I'll be back soon! Enjoy!!


Scanning the documents on her laptop with super speed, Kara was done with two hours of work in minutes while Cat was still looking at new options to replace the image on page twelve.

"The rest of the issue is good, we just need this image replacing then it's good to print, once you've looked of course." Kara leaned back in her chair and looked over to Cat on the couch.

The older blonde glanced up. "You used to heat my coffee with your heat vision after you saved the plane, didn't you?"

She smiled and closed the documents on her laptop. "You're fine. I do the same to the turkey every Thanksgiving."

Cat's lips quirked into a smile. "And to get the job?"

Kara spun to look at the TVs behind her head. "Only x-ray vision to see your empty prescription bottle and pen. I really wanted the job."

"I could tell."

Kara frowned. "What?"

Cat picked up another piece of paper. "You called yourself ordinary so many times I lost count. It was like putting a neon sign above your head saying extraordinary."

"Yeah, that wasn't my finest moment."

"It was not."

Kara's laptop pinged with a notification, one specifically alerting her to mentions of her name or Catco in the news. Once again her name was in the news since she got back, her laptop had pinged several times already, but this time it was Catco.


"Well, it didn't take a day for the tabloids to find out I threatened to fire the department heads. One of them talked to the Daily Star, that or they have a bug in here and I know they don't because I'd hear it."

A siren blared on the other side of the city.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." Speeding from her chair, she was out on the balcony in her Supergirl suit before Cat could look at her.

Flying through the city, she didn't get the chance to enjoy it as much as she wanted, focusing on the sirens that had stopped moving. So, not a car chase. Rounding a skyscraper, she found several police cars surrounding a bank, the biggest bank in National City. Some things never change. Floating down to the street, she touched down by a police car with several people gathered around it.

"What can I do?"

Everyone turned around to see her, eyes wide at the appearance of Supergirl after so long, which she guessed wasn't surprising, knowing she was back and having her standing in front of them at a crime scene were two different things.

"Yes, can you look inside? We can't get eyes in the building and a blind entry is a no go." An older man asked, pointing to the building behind him.

Focusing on the bank behind him, Kara saw five men with guns and thirty hostages. The hostages are gathered in the main room, spread out in sections to cover every angle, you're right, a blind entry isn't possible." She looked down to the blueprints spread out on the car. "What's this?"

There was a corridor leading to a door at the back of the bank, but it didn't look like the others. "It's a back door, but the security on it is high end, we can't get it open without them noticing." The man sighed.

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