what is love?

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4 hours later....

Jungkook took a shower and he was still laying on his bed , maybe waiting for someone again in his room .. maybe he wanna see him more than other wants him to do .. maybe his ego ,the separation , the anger wasn't let him do that . He knows how much other loves when jungkook's eyes on him ...thats why its a perfect punishment in jungkook's eyes ... But punishment for what he doesn't know .

Maybe a very people actually knows the real reason why they were suffering other cuz more than half is going to say something dumb ...

Jungkook gave up and went downstairs but he only saw only maids "Where is he aunty lily?" Aunty lily answer the question "He didn't come out since he let your room " jungkook nods and went to Taehyung's room. 

Before knocking the door ,he wear a blindfold and then He knocks the door for 10 times . Taehyung finally open the door and found jungkook standing there with blindfold  , he just chuckle ..

"Why are you here ? Go back . I don't need you . I am going to have another doll any way.  " Jungkook stayed quiet .  Taehyung was getting angry at jungkook .. how could he didn't respond .. "you know what I was a fool when I waited you . I shouldn't waited for 5 years 4 months 6 days . I should forget you . I m leaving " saying that tae was about to leave but jungkook hold his hand when he was passing him "Where are you going ?" "Non of your business.  Leave me"

At 7.00 am

Tae didn't come back for whole night .Did jungkook eat ? No . Did he sleep ? Yeah ,for 2 hours . In his room ? Nah , infornt of main door . He was sitting there and fall asleep . Why he was waiting? He doesn't know .

Taehyung finally come , but he come with a look jungkook doesn't want to see . Jungkook was regretting not wearing his blind fold. 

Tae's eyes were blood red , cheeks were muddy , his dress were dirty ..

Jungkook forget everything .. he just rushed towards tae and pulled him in his arms .

Tae let out a shakey breath , he close his eyes but didn't hug jungkook "Don't hold me like this.. i beg you dont .. if hold me this for another minute and leave in another i wont know what do with this dead soul . So please left me like he is ... Half dead ." Jungkook didn't left him . He hugged him more tightly ..

Tae come out after taking a bath . He found jungkook sitting on his bed with a bowl of soup . "Leave , I dont this doll anymore . " Even tae's eyes were teary .. jungkook stand up and start walking towards tae.  He and tae was standing too close . Their breath was hitting eachother face . "I dont a master like you . " Those words hit like train to tae . "Ok, I dont need you too . Jimin is coming , so bye ." Well , now someone also get a hut by a train .

Jungkook put his hand on tae face .. tae let out a shakey breath and lean on his hand ."Really , when?" Tae looked at him , he can see fire .. "Soon , and he will such things you never did. " Tae pushed all buttons .

Jungkook smirk and pulled tae in kiss . That kiss was sloppy , both were trying eat eachother lips as much as they can . Saliva was dripping down form their chins . Jungkook found his favorite food which is tae's tongue . They both ran out of breath.  Both get separated and took some breath before pulling eachother in a kiss again .

Jungkook put hand on  tae's butt and made a gesture , tae get that and he jump on jungkook who carried him on bed . Jungkook drop tae on bed which made tae a little bounce on bed . Jungkook look at the soup bowl and place it down .

Taekook-( oneshots )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant