Escape Plan

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(Amber's POV)

"Let me go", I had been screaming for the past half hour hoping that Giovanni would come back inside & untie me. I could tell that he wasn't like his other brothers and sister. Maybe I could use that to my advantage here.
The iron door slams open and inside comes The oldest brother, Russ. I can see it in his face that he is tired of me. "Look, I don't want to hurt you but if you don't shut up, things are going to get real ugly", He says squatting down in front of me to be at my level. I needed to get out and I had the perfect idea. "Well I'm pregnant and i can't hold my urine in you ass so if someone could help me to the bathroom." Russ raises his eyebrow and looks at me with a blank expression. But he finally gets up, "Tony, come and take her to the bathroom". Inside comes Tony with his smirk still plastered across his face. I roll my eyes at his sight. He walks over to me and begins to untie the rope my ankles and wrists . I look down at my ankles to notice rope marks just like the ones around my wrists. These people had no compassion. Tony helps me stand and leads me out the room into a dim narrow hallway. Finally at the end of the hallway A restroom sign appears. "Ok i'll be waiting for you out here princess, don't try anything," he winks. I go into the restroom to find what I would've never imagined. It was the cleanest and most modern bathroom i had ever been in. How could these people afford to have something like this made? What were these people involved in? i couldn't help but wonder. However I had to set my plan in action now. I didn't have to pee, I just needed out. I turn on the shower and  start knocking down all the accessories on the sink which I found it ironic that they would have all these things for a basement they held hostages in. I open some pill bottles spilling a few on the floor to make sounds that might make him think that I was trying to ODE myself  with pills. It wasn't my best plan but it was the best I was getting at right now. "Hey, what's all that noise in there", He says pounding on the door. His voice was loud and clear which indicated that his face was pressed against the door. Now. With all my strength I swing the door wide open knocking over Tony who was behind it and start running down the hallway, I didn't know where I was going but I needed to try and get out of this place. The hallway felt like it would never end. I start to hear loud footsteps behind me. I look back quickly to get a glimpse of Tony's pissed off face walking behind me. I finally see a line of light from under a door with a big EXIT sign on top of it. Freedom. I run to it pushing it open. As I step outside I feel Two different hands grab me and a rag is put over my mouth. Everything goes black again.


Finally waking up I find myself back in the same room from earlier where I was being held however i'm not tied up. Tony, Caterina, Russ and Giovanni were all around me once again. I look over at Tony and  I can still see the anger in his eyes. "So you tried to escape?" Russ says in a flat tone. "Yes," I reply, he clearly already knew the answer to that. Caterina laughs, "This girl is so bad ass, she has more balls than any of the other guys we've kept here". So they've done this before to other people? What happened to them... Omg. "Yea seems so, well it's clear that we can't keep you down here. You'll be coming Upstairs to the house with us, where we can all keep an eye on you. You won't be tied up with ropes which means you can wonder around but if you try something like this, things will get real ugly for you. Consider this us opening up our home to you. So don't do some fuck shit". They were bringing me to their house?? Which was upstairs? They wouldn't even tie me up... These people are so confusing. " Come on follow us", gestures Caterina. Caterina goes first and I follow with the guys all behind me. "So how many months along are you", she says as we walk up. "I'm almost due soon, just hoping I don't end up giving birth in this place", I say. "Hey, we're not that bad, you might even grow to like us at some point," I couldn't believe that she could say that. She thinks that I could really like her family while they are the ones keeping me away from Jason and keeping me here against my own will. I mumble back " yea maybe".
Finally making it upstairs Caterina opens a door that showed the inside of the most beautiful house I had ever seen in my life. It was black with white and hints of grey all around. As we walked to the living room, a crystal staircase appeared, this house must have cost millions. "Ok come i'll be showing you where you'll be staying", Caterina says gesturing for me to follow her. We went upstairs to a hallway, the hallway was so spacious, with so many doors on each wall. We finally stop in the middle of the hallway. She opens a door a room that was about 3 times the size of my own bedroom. It has a bathroom attached and a balcony. Why would they put a balcony in my room knowing I could escape. "Yea we are sure you won't try and escape through there while being pregnant", she says as if she knew what I was thinking. "I'll let you shower and be back in a while to check on you," She smiles and leaves the room. Who rich were these people? I was so confused, I couldn't understand why some of these people were such sweethearts. If i wasn't being held against my will, I probably would've liked it here, but that's not the case. I didn't know what to expect anymore, these people looked like they would kill me in a blink of an eye but also help me if I was hurt. I have no clue what's going to happen to me.

Hello my fellow reader. I know you guys are just confused as me about why these people were giving her such a comfortable hostage situation. You might think cause she's pregnant, Thats not only whyyyyy. But we'll get more into that later on :) anyways hope you guys are enjoying, i'll be releasing a few more chapters this weekend.

BTW (I will be putting a pause on doing Jason's POV for a while, you guys will understand later on in the book but for now it'll just be Amber's)

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