For Sale

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Amber's POV

As I finally get inside my house I process everything that just happened. The thought of it makes my legs weaken. Me and Jason just had sex in the office. Fuck I really missed him inside of me. But wait he said we needed to talk, does he know I'm pregnant. Ugh why couldn't I just let him finish. Maybe I should text him. No. Whatever. I take a shower and head off to bed. Tomorrow I'll talk to Jason.

"Sweetie did you see?" It's my mom at the door knocking. What is she talking about though. "See what mom," I yell. She sighs, I can tell something is wrong. "You better come see for yourself". She is starting to worry me. I put on some slippers and open the door. "What's wrong," I asked annoying seeing that she's fine and nothing seems wrong. "Go see for yourself outside". Ok now I'm annoyed because what is so important that she has to wake me up early and now also make me go outside. However I do go downstairs because I need to know what all her fuss is about. As I step outside a big sign on Jason's front lawn catches my attention. "For Sale". What the hell. Jason put his place up for rent and didn't tell me. Where is he staying now then? Is he even still working at the firm? My head is spilling with questions and I feel the need to puke.

After puking for almost half of the day I finally lay down in bed. How could Jason just leave me? I just don't understand how he could do this to me. I need to talk to him so i shoot him a message.

Me: I see you put up your house for sale. Where are you currently staying at? Call me.
Read 5:36 pm

Nothing. He saw my message and nothing. I guess this is the end. I mean could've really been so dumb to think it would work between us, we're 5 years apart and he's way more advanced in law so he's got a lot of opportunities. So yes I was dumb. But who cares about him leaving, right. I'm pregnant and I have no idea on how to be a mom.

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