Chapter Four: Missionaries - Blazing Path (3)

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"We have also located the boy who generated the Exception. He is currently surrounded by the undead." As soon as I heard the angel Transient I quickly got closer to him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"You mean Ryota! Is he okay?! Where is he?! I can't be right now!"I asked them a bunch of questions but I let go of them as I tried to locate Ryota. I was so worried about him being by himself and surrounded by enemies. He is not the fighting type!

"We must stay calm, Masato! However, if he's surrounded..." Shiro put a hand on my shoulder and I tried to calm down but I couldn't feel okay knowing that he was surrounded by enemies! I had the strong urge to run around looking for him.

"He is safe for now. He is under the protection of Lady Maria." The angel Transient told me this and I felt better knowing Ryota wasn't by himself. I knew Maria could protect him but I still didn't like the fact they are surrounded by enemies.

"Maria?! When did she regroup with Ryota?" Shiro seemed surprised that Maria was with Ryota. I mean it was a bit crazy and we lost sight of everyone. But it was so nice that Maria managed to join up with Ryota again.

"Regardless, it is only a matter of time. Lady Maria alone cannot hold them back for long. We shall organize a unit immediately and set out to aid them." The angel Transient said this seriously and I couldn't help but notice... Do they seem way nicer? They don't have that stuck-up attitude anymore. Make him rather attractive in my opinion.

"You guys... have changed. I can see it in your eyes." It seems like Kengo also noticed that the angel Transient was different as well. Kengo may not be the brightest but he is good at noticing things.

"Lord Arsalan has shown us the error of our ways. You have saved us and our leaders, and we will repay your kindness." The angel Transient lowered his head towards us in a bow before turning back to face Arsalan. "And finally, about the missing Lord Zabaniyya... He has not yet been located. So far we have been unable to find him anywhere"

"What? You're telling me you can't find a guy who's less subtle than a firework display?" Arsalan seems shocked that Zabaniyya couldn't be found, I mean he is basically on fire so he shouldn't be that hard to find. I mean I would assume so.

"Unfortunately, no... However, we continue to search by land and sky." The angel Transient told Arsalan this with a serious expression and his hand covering his heart.

"If I'm correct, becoming an Exception should cause the power of his Rule to flow into him, turning him berserk." Arsalan's expression was serious as he rubbed a hand under his chin, thinking deeply about something.

"We've seen that happen before to a Transient in Ikebukuro," Shiro spoke up and I couldn't help but remember what happened to Oniwaka. He was totally out of control.

"Wait, so what happened to Oniwaka could be happening to Zabaniyya too?" Kengo had a frown on his face when he realized that as well. Seeing how hard it was to fight Oniwaka before I can't help but think how difficult it will be to fight Zabaniyya. I mean he was holding back when he fought Kengo before and now he is totally out of control at the moment.

"In any case, if he's no longer in our territory, that may mean he's crossed battle lines. If so, we would have to face both the summoned Exception and a berserk Zabaniyya. We must be prepared. I will leave you in command. Have the wounded retreat to safety. We must not allow any more undead to exit Aoyama Cemetery. As for the undead who have already crawled away, organize a unit to hunt down every one of them. I will be joining Masato to rescue Maria and the boy. Stay on guard. Once you deem it safe enough, bring Gabriel to the front lines and have Hati be her guard." Arsalan was suddenly giving off such a mature air that I almost forgot how he was when we first met. I guess this is the reason why he is held in such high regard, he knows how to think under tense situations.

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