Chapter 3|where my life changed

Start from the beginning

"Mom,come on your going to make it,please keep your eyes open,mommy please,don't leave me" i cried and cried.

She sent me one last smile before she was fully gone.
I couldn't belive what happend...mommy died...she died in my arms...I did nothing to help her but press her wound and call the amulance....
Why couldn't it be me?
I stayed with my mother crying and hoping for her to breath again

5 minutes passed and the ambulance came and tried to take her away.

"No mom!",I shout as they prised her our of my arms her body already becoming stiff as a rock.

"Please young lady we need you to stay back,we're so sorry" a man who came with the ambulance told me with pity.

I listened and stayed and cried a river of tears knowing I'm not going to see her again,have someone to share my secrets with,make my breakfast the way I like it,wake me up in the morning,feel her play with my hair and sing to me never, again I'm going to get those things.

[Time skip]
Later that day I was home alone waiting to for a social worker to come and tell me where I have to go but then I remembered my mother last words..your father find him...I ran up to her room and dug through all her stuff. I found absolutely nothing..I was going to give up when I remember the hidden cubby in her wall..i searched three walls and found nothing one last wall to go...

I place my palms on the wall and bend my fingers tips and felt around..8 seconds later i found it I opened the door and inside were money pictures,notes,and a box that said family airloom.

I looked at the pictures,there were with my mom and a man who I'm guessing is my father,some were with other children,some in her arms....and then I found one with all the little kids from the previous photos seven kids to be exact,the man who I think is my father and ,my mother and a little girl in her

I looked at it for a while longer and was startled by a knock on the front door..oh good! The social worker is here [sarcasm]
I opened the door and saw my friends and a lady in her late 20's who must be the social worker she looks strict but realy nice.

I let them in and hugged my friends they all shared there condolences and Daphne cried for me and Sophia eyes was red so so cried did I get so lucky and have such good friends..Niall and louis looked at me with pity

"How are you Ophelia",asked the social worker.
"Fine",I said coldly I knew she did nothing wrong but I can't help it.
"Oh pardon me I'm Miss.Edwards"she smiled
I forced a smile back and soften my eyes
"I've done long and hard resarch for you and I found your father,I called him and he immediately agree to take your custody " she said happily
I was going to say somthing but I have no choice but to live with him..i mean he did take my custody without hesitation.

"Go pack you stuff and let's get going he already bought a ticket for you".
"A ticket?"I asked
"Your going to new your " she said sheepishly
"NEW YORK " my friends screamed
"But that so far away " Daphne said on the verge of tears
Tears also treatend to fall out my eye.
"I'm sorry but he's the only family she's got and he already took her into his custody."ms.edwards said strictly
she's the two sided face person at least she did have a pretty one,i thought

I went upstairs with no comment or words and packed my things I did have to much but I had enough,I sliely went to my mother's room and got some stuff to remember her by,I then went to the secret cubby and took the airloom without opening it it decided to open it when I get there,I took the photos and put them into a envelope. I took them with me downstairs and said my goodbye to my childhood friends I promised I'd come visit some time soon and call them when I'm settleled down in my new home.

[Time skip]
I'm now in a car and driving away from my home my friends there holding eachother shedding tears.i stared at them till I can no longer see them.
I thought about what happend today..

I woke up and was happy thinking today would be one of the best days of my life

I came home and found things broken

My mother and I fought people we once loved

My mother dieing in my arms

Having to leave my friends back

Moving from one country to the other to live with my dad

Currently on my way to somthing that's going to change my life forever

.....Tears..broken hearts...pain...pleasure...sadness...lost...anger......

I was feeling all those emotions swerling inside me making my face and ears red,my knuckles white and my blood boil with a broken heart of loosing someone you loved your only family you ever knew.

I just arrived at the airport and getting my ticket with Miss.Edwards

"You have to go one your private jet know so this is were we part,I hope you feel batter and happy birthday by the way" she winked

Out of everything she told me I heard private jet.
"Private jet" I asked
"Yes your father had sent one of his own to get you you just needed a ticket to bord"
"Ok thank you Miss.Edwards"
She smiled and walked away
On my walk to my father's private jet I thought he must be loaded to have more than one of these things she did day one of it.

When I enter it was classy and had to guys dressed in black at the front of the door they greeted me and showed me where I have to sit.

The sears were velvet red with gold fancy patterns on it with the words LUCINDO

The ride to new york was long but when we arrived it was around 9 at night.
I got off ghe jet and started looking for a someone thst I might be my father or maybe the man from the photos.

I'm looking for about 2 minutes and I felt a tap on my shoulder.


Hey guys,
I updated I did say in going and try to update regularly,sorry for any wrong grammar and spelling


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