Hiding His Son 2|| Special Chapter: 1/5

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Baby Dawn❤️🍼

||Win's POV||

"Sun! Can you get your sister's diaper?" I told Sun as I tried to get Dawn to stay still so I could clean her bum.

"Okay!" Sun went to the drawers and got one of the diapers. "Here you go, Papa."

"Thank you"

Dawn won't stop wriggling around. I sighed, held her legs, and put the diaper on before putting her in her pajamas.

"Phew! There we go, Princess."

I carried her in my arms. She started to giggle and stir around again. I walked back to the play pen and placed her down gently. I gave her the ball that Chimon bought for her. One thing that got my attention is that she does not like dolls; she cried when Uncle Chiva brought her a Barbie one and threw it.

Now, I'm kind of worried about what she'll be like when she grows up—hopefully not a mischievous one. She's already been three months; how fast does time fly, huh?

I let the kids play while I cleaned the table and threw her dirty diaper in the trash bin. Me and Bright got married last month. It was when we got back from the hospital after I gave birth to Dawn that he proposed. I didn't expect that, but I guess we have to expect the unexpected.

So yeah, we've only been married for a month, and I couldn't be more happy. Baby June and Jane often come here to let the kids have a play date. June took quite a liking to Sun, and Dawn took a liking to Jane.

 "Papa! Baby Dawn ate the plushie!" I heard Sun shout. I turned my head to them and saw my daughter eating the plushie's head.

"Baby, no." I went to her and slowly took the plushie out. This is also one of those things; she likes putting anything in her mouth.

See? This is my life now. Sun will be starting school next year, and Chatri is in his first grade, so that's two kids. Uncle Chiva went back to exploring the world days after me and Bright got married.

We also have a babysitter whenever I have to go to work. As for Bright, he has a business trip for three weeks in Canada, so it's just me and our three kids. He often calls at night or whenever he has time since the timezones are different.

After cleaning Dawn's room, I called the babysitter and let her take care of Dawn while I bathed Sun. We're going to go to P'Gun and P'Off's place, just visiting. And I have to check the restaurant since P'New can't, and I still need to help P'Singto.

finishing bathing sun. I took the children's bags that contain their things, and I told the babysitter to bring them to the car while I carried Dawn in my arms. We needed to fetch Chatri from his school before heading to their place.

getting inside the car. The bags are already inside. I told the babysitter that she could have a half-day, and she can now leave. I placed Eun in his car seat. I sat down beside him and sat Dawn on my lap.

The driver started to drive towards Chatri's school. It's usually Bright or Uncle Chiva who'll fetch Chatri from his school, but since both are from different countries, we kind of let Dew, Bright's friend, do that. Bright is still anxious about letting anyone near me or the kids.

arriving at Chatri school. The driver hopped off and went inside the school to get Chatri. They both came out of the school, and Chatri was still in his school uniform, running towards us.

"Papa! Dawnie! Sunny!" He said as he hopped in and sat on his own car seat beside Sun. We're riding a van anyway, so it's quite spacious.

"Are we going to see Asnee and Aran?" He asked as he buckled his seatbelt.

"Yep, you kids need to stay there for some time. Papa needs to do some work, but it'll be fast."

"Okay!" Both the kids answered. Dawn jumped up and down on my lap, making baby noises with a wide smile on her face.


"Sorry for troubling you," I told Chimon as Chatri and Sun ran inside.

"It's fine; I'm kind of used to watching little kids now," he said. I smiled and handed him Dawn. She still cries whenever I hand her to anyone, but she's asleep, so it's fine.

"But I'll need you to pay me."

"Alright, fine. I'll give you your payment later," I said. I bid goodbye to the kids and left their house.

heading to the restaurant. I stare at the scenery outside. I just need to do some small work at the restaurant, then I can head back.

*Ring Ring*


My phone rang. I fish out my phone from my pocket and look at the screen to see who the caller is. Oh, it's bright.

"Hey," I answered, placing my phone in my ear.

"I love you," he suddenly said.

"What?" I asked, sounding amused. I heard him laugh, and I chuckled. "How's life there?"

"Boring," he said with a bored tone and sighed. "I want to go home already; I miss the kids and their noises."

"Children are a source of happiness and also an unmeasurable amount of stress," I said.

He laughs. "Speaking of kids, how are you and our three munchkins?"

"We're fine; the kids miss you and keep asking when you will be home."

"Awww, darn it, I'll finish my work here as soon as possible, then we'll go to Disney Land."

Disney Land? Hmmm... That does not sound so bad.

"Sure, your pay."

"As usual"

I heard another voice from his side. I guess he has to go back to work now.

"Baby, I have to go now," he said in a hurry.

"Sure, bye, take care."

"You as well, baby, take care."

We ended the call, and as the call ended, we reached the restaurant. I hopped out and went inside. There are many people inside already, mostly family and teens.

I greeted some of my workers and headed straight to my office. I grabbed the files that I needed to check and sat down on my swivel chair as I started to read them. Signing. I heard a knock; I shouted "come in," and one of the waiters came inside with an envelope in his hand.

"Sir, this is the latest report on the restaurant's demands."

"Thank you; just place it here," I said.

He put the file down and left. I continued signing and reading the files. I'm actually good. I can get back to work now and can also cook. Unlike before, when I was still pregnant with Dawn, I always vomit whenever I eat onions, seafood, garlic, or spicy foods.

After some time, I finally finished all the work. I checked at the time and saw that it's already 6 p.m.I guess we'll have to eat dinner at P'Gun's place now.

Cleaning up. I head out of the restaurant. I also bid goodbye to everyone, though I did not see P'Singto. I left the restaurant and hopped in the car. Looking out the window of the car, I feel like I forgot something, but I can't get my head to remember what it was.

    Concerned. I checked the calendar on my phone. Oh no. My eyes widen when I see that my heat is only a week away and Bright still has to stay in Canada for two weeks since he flew there last week.

Damn it, I guess I have to just drink the medicine then. Also, isn't Bright's rut next to mine?

Thinking about those things gets my head aching. I took a deep breath and just forgot about it. I'll just talk to Bright about it tomorrow; we still have plenty of time anyway.

I'm back! And the Alpha is near his Rut😎
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‼️(This Chapter is already edited since I noticed some typos)‼️

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