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||Bright's POV||

We arrived at the theme park

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We arrived at the theme park. Chatri is so excited, but I made sure to grab his hand since there are a lot of people today. One body guard is following us, just for safety. We went inside, and he had already pulled me to the shooting booth.

"Dad, I want that brown bunny," he said, pointing at the medium-sized brown bunny. Bunny...

"Sure," I said. I gave the money to the game attendant. He gave me the toy gun. Aiming for the target, and with a focused mind, I pulled the trigger and hit the center of the target.

"Yey!" Chatri said in excitement.

"Here you go, sirs." The game attendant handed the stuff animal to my son. Chatri grabbed it and hugged it tight while jumping.

He does love rabbits.

After that game, We rode the bump cars and the carousel. After that, he got tired, so we went to one of the food stalls and ate some food. While eating. A familiar scent came to me. I sniffed the air; it smelled like fresh grass and raspberries—the sweetest scent I've ever smelled.

"Dad!" Chatri shouted. I looked at him and saw him handing me the hotdog. "You need to eat."

I smiled. "Thanks, kiddo." I took the hotdog and ate it.

Minutes later. I felt a pain in my chest. I spit out the food. My mind became blurry. My head is pounding as well. There's something in the scent that told me to follow it.

"Dad, are you okay?" Chatri asked. He then walked to my side and hugged me. "We can go home, Dad; you don't have to force yourself."

"Son, I promised," I said, touching his cheeks. "We-"


I looked at the person behind my son. Our eyes met, and his eyes glowed yellow like mine. It's like the whole world just stopped; everything went into slow motion. His eyes. His skin. His lips. He's the Omega. My Omega. I stood up and walked towards him. He flinched as I got near him; he turned his back and ran away.

"Wait!" I shouted and ran back after him. There are so many people, and I slowly lost him. I stopped and tried to look around for him, but I couldn't see him anymore.

"Damn it!" I stomped my feet on the ground and clutched my hair. My head is not pounding anymore, but its surely still hurts

Standing there and trying to look for the omega. I heard Chatri's shout. I quickly turn around and went back to where we are. There, I saw him standing while hugging the bunny, and the bodyguard was trying to calm him down.

"Daddy!" He shouted while crying. I ran to him, scooped him up, and hugged him tight.

"Shh..shhh..I'm here. I'm here," I said sweetly into his ears. "Daddy's here; don't cry."

Hiding His Son || A BrightWin AU✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora