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||Win's POV||

P'Off told me about meeting the alpha who marked me

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P'Off told me about meeting the alpha who marked me. It turns out that his full name is Bright Vachirawit Chiva-aree, though I only know his surname. This got me nervous and scared. But if this meeting will settle everything, and if it means I can get Sun safe, then I'll do it.

"Trust me, Win, okay?" P'Off said. I nodded

"But what if he learned about Sun being his? I don't want him to take away my son." I still don't trust that Alpha. There are a lot of things I still don't know about him.

"He will not take Sun away from you; we will not let him."

I just nodded and looked at the scenery. We are heading towards the penthouse where we're supposed to meet. I'm just glad it's not at the penthouse where I met that Alpha. That'll be traumatizing.

After an hour of driving, we finally arrived at the penthouse. We hop out of the car. I took a look at the penthouse, and it is indeed amazing and huge. P'Off tapped my shoulder, and we both went inside.

A butler guided us to the room. It has huge wooden doors and glass on its side. I took a peek and saw him there. Sitting with his arms crossed on his chest and staring at the coffee that is in front of him. It looks like he's in deep thought.

He looked up, causing me to look away and go to P'Off's side.

"Okay, thank you," P'Off said to the butler. The butler left. "Stay here for a minute. I need to talk to him about a few things first"

I nodded. He opened the door. I saw a glimpse of the guy peeking at the gap, but P'Off went inside quickly and closed the door. I only hear muttering, so I can't get what they are talking about.

After this meeting, I'll just help out at the restaurant. I told P'Singto that I wanted to cook too, and he said it was fine. I'm glad I can help. Now, it is just up to P'Off on how he can talk out Chiva-aree. And I hope P'Off will not tell him the reason why I'm hiding Sun from him. Not right now.

"Win," I heard P'Off call. The door was already open. I look up, and it's Phi. "Come in"

I took a deep breath before entering the room. Stepping inside, I was already greeted by the strong pheromones of Chiva-aree. P'Off's pheromones were there as well, but my body focused on that Alpha's scent.

I avoided Chiva-aree's eyes and just looked anywhere besides him. But I can still feel his burning gaze at me. Me and P'Off sat down, and I just remained silent.

"Let's get straight to the point," P'Off said. "Both of you are adults, and you already know what responsibilities both of you will have to make. But that does not mean that I will not keep my eye on the two of you, Bright. The only reason why I'm doing this is because Win is like a son to me, so if anything bad happens to him, you're dead," P'Off said with a serious tone.

"I know, you said that already," Chiva-aree said. Just hearing his voice makes my body shiver.

"I know, I'm just reminding you," P'Off said. "Bright, you're part of the five families that have the abilities, and I hope that you know its consequences."

"What abilities?" I asked, looking at P'Off.

"That is something you and Bright will discuss soon. It is not my place to explain his part," Phi said. I nodded and stared at the spoon. The spoon here looks expensive, but it'll be a good utensil design for the restaurant.

"Yeah," Chiva-aree answered.

"Keep in mind the information and other things I told you," P'Off said. He tapped my shoulder, making me look at him. "I'll be leaving both of you to talk."

"What? B-but you said."

"Win, both of you need to settle some things," P'Off said, standing up. "Don't worry, if that guy does something to you, he knows what to do."

I gulped and nodded. P'Off gave me the last pat on the shoulder and left. After P'Off said, I still avoided Chiva-aree's eyes, but I feel him shouting daggers at me.

"Mhm-hm!" He cleared his throat, making me flinch. "My name's Bright Vachirawit Chiva-aree; you can call me Bright."

Okay, this feels like a blind date. Awkward. I took a deep breath and looked at him. The moment our eyes met, I swear, everything around us turned blurry, and his eyes sparkled. I shook my head to get that thought out of my head

"I'm..Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn" I introduced myself. He didn't make any expression, still blank but with a deep gaze at me. "You can call me Win."

"I don't want this to be awkward, so I'll cut the chase," he said, then placed his right hand forward. "Let's go"


I look at him weirdly. I kept looking at him and his hand repeatedly. This is weird of him. He sighed and rolled his eyes. He suddenly stood up, making me flinch. He then walked to my side.

My body trembles. God, this Alpha is intimidating. He stopped by my side and grabbed my hand, forcing me to stand up. We walk fast, so I kind of stumble on our way. I was a nervous wreck. We left the penthouse and went to his car.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked. He let go of my hand and fished out his car key from his pocket. "Did you forget about what P'Off just said?"

"No." He opened the door and stepped aside. "Get inside. Don't worry, I'm not going to kidnap you."

I look at him suspiciously. "Why would I believe you?"

  He gave me an irritating expression. He pointed at my back. I turned around and tried to see what he was pointing out.

"What?" I asked, looking back at him.

"There are four people spying on us. I am not that dumb to kidnap you in an open space," he said with a bored tone. "Get inside, or I'll drag you."

I glared at him and growled. I hopped inside the car and slammed the door shut. I just sat there like a kid with a tantrum. He walked around and hopped inside the car, sitting in the driver's seat. He started the car and we drove off, somewhere. And me being nervous as hell for going with the Alpha that I only met for like 4 times, I asked him

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, not looking at him. The trees are swaying with the wind. It must be windy today. It's nice to go to the park today.

"Somewhere," he said. I sighed and just stayed quiet. The whole ride was silent and kind of awkward, but the tension earlier was already gone.

Since the ride was long, it looks like there's no stopping yet. I decided to take a nap. I rested my head on the window and hugged my body. I was about to fall asleep, then...

"I'll just wake you up when we get there; you can sleep for now," he said. I couldn't hear it clearly, but the fading voice said "Give me a chance to change everything."

I fell into a deep slumber. With his scent surrounding the car, let's just say That was the best sleep I've ever had. I don't know why, but I felt safe knowing that he's just there, by my side.

  Late update 😜 sorry, I just finished some research papers for my school work,

  Thank you for Voting and reading!❤️

‼️(This Chapter is already edited since I noticed some typos)‼️

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