Chapter 42

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||Win's POV| (Yay?😁)

(Three months later)

"I'm excited! Yiieee! I'm glad you're back and well, Win!" P'New said as he hugged me.

"Thanks; I'm slowly recovering, that's for sure."

"Of course, because if Bright doesn't take care of you, I will be the one kidnapping you next and taking care of you," he said with a proud tone.

I chuckled. "Let's leave the whole kidnapping thing, okay?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry," P'New said.

We're currently arranging the place for Bright's birthday. P'New's the one placing the ornaments and other decorations that are too high for me. You see, they wouldn't let me help them with some decorations that are high; they wouldn't even let me stand on a stool; they said that I might fall and hurt myself and the baby.

I swear, everybody in this house is slowly turning into Bright. So overprotective. But I'm kind of fine with it. Those days I spent in that hell hole are now like a mist of a nightmare. Bright and the others helped me get better, so now I'm planning on repaying my Mate for all the things he has done and also for being an awesome father to the kids.

It's been five months. And I'm happy with how things are right now. My belly is the size of a mellon—a giant one. It reminds me of when I was just carrying Sun; it was that time when Bright wasn't on my side. But now, it's different...

I have so many people who really care for and love me. I actually got to meet my little brother and his family. Hannah is so gentle, and Jane looks exactly like him, but a girl version. He's still the same but a bit mature now, and I'm glad he did not turn out to be like our parents.

"P'Win, you're spacing out," Hannah said. I looked at her behind me and saw her already holding a tray of cupcakes.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, lowering my head down. I'm still uncomfortable talking to people, but I'm slowly getting there. "Let me help you."

"Psh! It's fine, but you can grab those bags of balloons in that corner over there; we need to spread them around the room."


I let Hannah place the tray of cupcakes on the table while I went and grabbed the balloons. They already blew up all of the balloons, and I'm also planning on spreading them around the room, just to look fancy. Nothing fancy at all...

If you're asking where Bright is, he's with the kids. They've been out since tomorrow, and that gave us time to prepare everything. The kids and Uncle Chiva are on this as well, so they're keeping him busy while we handle things here.

I also prepared a gift for Bright. I prepared two, but they will be a secret for now. God, my belly is so heavy. I sat down for a minute since I felt my legs were going to give up very soon.

"Hey, are you okay?" P'Gun asked and sat down on my side as well.

I sighed. "Yeah, this thing's getting heavy every single day."

P'Gun chuckled. "Tell me about. You're lucky you only carried one at a time; I had to carry twins the second time."

"But they turned out to be okay, right?"

"Yep, but I'm kind of getting scared. Each day, they started to be like their father; it's getting creepy."

We both laughed. P'Gun told me to rest for a while while they handle things from here. It's almost 5 p.m., and the kids and Bright should be home at 6 p.m. Everything is almost done anyway, so I decided to go back to our room.

Hiding His Son || A BrightWin AU✓Where stories live. Discover now