Chapter 40

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Someone said I'm nice, so there's a surprise waiting for you guys on the way❤️😉

||Bright's POV||

It hurts. It pained me that I can't even take my mate's pain and suffering; I feel so helpless. I've been working from home since I still don't want to lose sight of Win. I am also hands-on in taking care of my mate.

And whenever I'm not around, he always shouts, screams, or even cries. Uncle Chiva, Off, and P'Gun tried to make Win comfortable with them, but he wouldn't

He only calms down whenever it's me. So, I had to take another leave. We also hired a therapist to help Win recover faster. Days have passed, and Win shows no sign of recovery.

As for his voice, Dr. Kris shows me that his larynx is slowly healing, which is good. But for his mental health, We couldn't identify Each day feels like years, and there is no day nor night that he wouldn't have nightmares and screaming in the middle of the night. Sometimes, in his nightmare-plagued sleep, he would squirm and cry.

As for the kids, Sun is still begging me to see his papa, but for the best, we told the kids that they are still not allowed to see Win yet until he recovers. I'm afraid that it will only trigger some of his memories from that godforsaken place.

Sometimes, I just want to cry. My mate is here and safe in my arms, yes, but it feels like I only brought his physical form back and not the real Win. I tried talking to him, but he still wouldn't answer.

I started small conversations with him, like telling him how the kids are doing, mostly how their days went. What got me worried most out of all is that I'm afraid that it's only getting worse; there are no signs of getting better, and even the therapist is trying hard to help my friend. But no result

If before he would look at me, this time he would not even spare me a glance. Sometimes I would look at him straight in the eyes, but his eyes were always cast down; there was no life in them. And before we knew it, it has been a month

Off. Yes, I call him Off now. off, and his family went back to their own house. And they also wanted to take Sun with them to help, but my son wouldn't let go of my pants. Marine and his mate and child are still here. He told me that he wants to help with the recovery of his older brother.

I am thankful for the kid. But I still don't let anyone enter Win's room. Only the doctor, therapist, and Uncle Chiva are allowed. His eating is also getting very bad; he would only take two to three bites, and if he took more than that, he would throw up.

Right now, I'm trying to feed Win some porridge; he's only allowed to eat soft foods since he has been throwing up.

"Here, bunny, eat up," I said with a soft tone, and I placed the spoon near his mouth. Again, he did not open his mouth.

"Love, you need to eat, please?" I tried. "Love, you're fine; no one's going to hurt you anymore; I won't let them."

Again, he just ignores me and continues to look down. I sighed. I need to be strong for him and for them.

"Bunny, Sun wants you to get better so both of you can play again," I said with a soft tone. "And you know, the baby inside you."

His eyes widen a little, and his hand moves from the first time, but only touching his stomach. That made me smile. I pampered him with kisses again and took the plate.

"So, let's eat? For baby? Hm?" I said. It made me happy that Win finally opened his mouth and took a bite.

His hand and gaze are still on his stomach. I couldn't say, but I feel much better whenever I see him do little things. It makes me feel at ease.

Hiding His Son || A BrightWin AU✓Where stories live. Discover now