|Chapter Forty-Three : The Drunk Queen And The Vision|

Start from the beginning

My eyes narrow into slits. God, she's so annoying.

When I feel a movement in my arms, all my fury flies out of the window. I glance down at my mate who's staring at her belly with a strange look on her face.

As if sensing my gaze on her, she lifts her head to stare up at me, "It looks like I'm carrying a watermelon under my clothes." She quips her head to the side, pointing down at her bump.

My lips tugs into a smile at her words. I lower her onto the bed and kiss her forehead. Standing back up, I stare at my mate laying there looking like the most ethereal thing I'd ever seen. The bump making her glow with surrealness.

"You look beautiful though." I say sincerely.

The smile on my lips grows wider when she pouts at my words, "You always say that."

Leaning down, I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ears, "That's because you'll always be the most beautiful woman in my eyes."

"You shouldn't say such things. It makes me feel some sorta way." Her lips pulls into that lovely smile.

The smile that I'm addicted to, to the point where I want to paint it on piece of paper and carry it with me everywhere. So whenever I look at it, my mood would blossom instantly.

"Now why shouldn't I when it's the truth?" I caress her cheeks gently, loving the feel of the soft skin underneath my fingers as she shuts her eyes in bliss.

"Valerian," Her blue-grey eyes snap open to peer up at me, "I love you."

My heart melts then and there and the smile on my face couldn't be any more sillier. No matter how many times she says the words, it hits me stronger each time.

I lean down completely and kiss those delicate lips.

"I love you more." I say pulling back.

Kate frowns at that, "You love me more? No!" She sits up straight to glare at me, "I love you the most! How dare you say otherwise!"

I blink in surprise, "I didn't mean it that wa-"

"Don't try to twist the words. How could you? You think I don't love you as much as you love me. You're wrong, I love you more." Her lips quivers and her eyes well up but there's a strong stubbornness in her tone.

My brows furrow in confusion at her sudden change in mood, the unshed tears in her eyes tug at my heartstrings. Before realization sinks into me that she's still high on the brew. She hadn't had much since I'd stopped her on time but even a few drops of pixie brew was enough to make a person senseless. And Kate's pregnancy hormones combined with them would make her feel over-heightened emotions. Anything I tell her now, she'll take it the wrong way.

"Come here." I sit down on the bed next to her and hold out my arms.

Kate just glares at me but not a moment later, she's slowly creeping upto me and into my arms. Being careful of her bump, I pull her into an embrace and caress her head.

"I love you to the moon," I say and before she could object, "And you love me to the way back. We both love each other equally. Is it fine now?"

My lips stretch into a smile as she nods against my chest. Dropping a kiss to the top of her head, "Sleep, love."

She nods yet again snuggling closer to me. Not minutes later, she's deep in slumber, resting in my arms. My heart warms at the feel of her in my embrace. What I wouldn't do to keep her safe.

Gently lowering her back on the bed, I brush away all the hair sticking to her face. "Rest well, sweetheart." I murmur kissing her forhead.

My eyes flicks over to the bump on her midriff as I tuck Kate under the duvet. That silly smile returns to my face again. I couldn't wait to meet those two.

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