Chapter 12

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"Good morning." Mom kissed my cheek. "Wakey, you're late."

"Why..." I groaned.

"Welcome home." I heard her voice as well as saw the very specific way how she always opens my curtain.

"Damn you sunshine." I wrapped my body with a blanket like a piece of rollade.

"Yes. Damn it's 10." Mom chuckled. "Up, girl. Get up. Meeting at 10:30."

"Who said so..." I groaned.

"Your phone." She left me alone.

I immediately sat in 5 seconds and jumped to the bathroom. Crap. Melanie asked for a meeting this morning. But we were partying too hard last night til I didn't hear the meeting alarm, how loud it was.

"Shooty, shooty, shooty." I surpassed 2 stairs in a jump.

"You would definitely end up having broken legs at any seconds right now." Mom commented.

"I don't have time for that." I panted. "Bye bye!"

"Your daddy's here! Where's the kiss?" My very calm Dad, asked for his part.

"Oh right. Morning daddio. Morning mommio. I'm leaving!" I kissed them both and sprinted outside.

Daaaaang it I need somebody's helicopter to fly me to the office in 10 seconds right now. 10:24 am and I will never make it on time. Bam. Melanie will kill me. Ready to die.

"Could you please park my car?" I threw the car key to our security.

"Alright Kayle!" The security waved at me.

"Kylie. It's Kylie." I turned around and warned him playfully. "Thank you!"

I sprinted the fastest I could to the meeting room. Although everybody was yawning, but they're here. At least Morgan, Kirstie, and Catarina made it on time to get to the office. Lesson learn: don't be the Kylie.

"There you go." Catarina yawned again. "Morning."

"Morning boss, morning girls. Truly sorry I couldn't hold it." I shook my head.

"Lucky you're Riley's." Kirstie smirked.

"Uhm...meaning?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Nothing." Melanie stood up. "Alright. Let's start with..."

Then the meeting went flawlessly boring, because simply we're all not even alive at this point. Catarina kept yawning twice in a minute. Kirstie wrote down the meeting points on a paper with her chin on it too. Morgan blinked repeatedly. I me myself? Barely heard anything.

"Class dismiss." Suddenly that's all I know coming from Melanie.

"Wait what?" I managed to listen carefully now. "What was the point?"

"Eden Shireen." Morgan looked at me. "Dang it you vampire. You're not even alive."

" goodness. I know." I sniffed. "We're doing Eden's look? When?"

"Five years from now." Kirstie smirked, but passing her paper for me to read.

"You're the angel." I hugged her. "And my apology Mel."

"It's mine. Should've not pulled off a meeting this early." She yawned too.

"It would've been fine if we didn't party last night." Catarina added.

"True that." I chuckled. "So, we're done?"

"Yup. Just start working on the last budget. I want it on my desk by tomorrow." Melanie waved away. "I have another meeting. Bye girlies!"

"Bye Melly!" We murmured.

"Oh...paper work." Kirstie groaned. "I'll be in my room."

"Me too." I walked out with her. "Sleeping."

"Haha." She nodded her head in agreement.

I stepped inside my very neat room after a week. It's good to be back. After all, I couldn't give it up to feel all sleepy because everybody's here for a work. They're tired too. So after a shot of caffeine, I could have my clear sight back. And that's where I found a bouquet of dandelion. A huge bouquet of dandelion, and a box underneath.

Wear this, and meet me at this place that I have set the location in your GPS. You'll know where to go.
Riley x

"Dang you romantic boy." I smirked.

I opened the box, and found this very cute little dress that I've always wanted to have. The color is black, of course. Needed to say, Riley's also good at fashion. Wow he made me blushing.

So with that intention to go on a secret date later this afternoon, I made it to type my budget report very quickly. Melanie texted us that if we're done working on that, we can leave. I was just too curious to not following his lead. And gladly we have a proper dressing room. I could manage my hair in there.

"I'm leaving!" I shouted in front of the girls' rooms.

"What some quick fingers." Catarina glared at me. "And looking good as well..."

"It's a date?" Kirstie walked to me.

"Just him being mysterious. I don't know." I smiled.

"Glad you're happy again, girl. Go meet the king." Morgan joined us too.

"King. Hahaha. Too odd." I chuckled. "Bye guys, go home soon."

"We will. Bye Ky!"


Alright. Let's drive to anywhere the GPS wants to bring me. I just can't wait to meet the lover.

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