Chapter 4

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"You, let's get to work."  I walked up to the director seat, bringing his suit with me.

"Where?"  He looked around.

"Changing room downstairs."  I rushed to walk before him so we should not walk side-by-side because it'd be lame.

"Alright, what you're gonna do with me?"  He took off his leather jacket.

"Just finish this so I can live in peace."  I murmured.

I started to ask him to unbutton his shirt, leaving him with jeans only, and got him our outfit.  It's a tee and shirt on top, I left it unbutton so it kinda had two layers like that.  I put a watch on his left wrist. 

"Sit."  I dragged a chair.

"You're so demanding."  Riley chuckled.

"Oh cmon I just wanna do your hair.  You're the first to shot.  We gotta get ready.  Please just help me."  I groaned, not interested.

"Why so sassy, Kylie?"  He stared at me through the big mirror before us.

"Because I don't like you."  I simply raised my eyebrows.

"Oh ouch.  That's a statement right there.  But why?  Pretty sure we just met today."  He was like shocked.

"And that's why, doing stuff on you has ruined my whole day plan."  I made his hair looking as fresh as I can.

"Well.  I told you, I can help."  He smiled.  "Pretty a bright student right here though."

"Yeah?  Guess what.  So am I."  I combed him.  "Done."

"Where's the smile, and the professionalism, telling 'oh my work is perfect'?"  Riley giggled at me.

"I never do that, in case you didn't know.  What matter is you looking good on set because single tiny imperfection, Mel would kill me."  I rolled my eyes.  "Let's go, you're up."

"At least you care about something, something about me."  He whispered.

He was behind me as we walked up to the rooftop again using this single stairs.  And yeah he made me stop.  I also don't have good reason to be upset at him or be this rude and sassy.  But he reminds me of everything I dislike in life.

"Scene 1, let's go!"  The director started directing the guys position.  "Riley, to the front!"

"This is where they're gonna see your work at me.  Let's count."  He whispered from behind me then passed me to where he belong.  "Alright!"

" look gorgeous, boy!"  Melanie whistled.

"Credit goes to Kylie."  He replied Melanie but winked at me.

"Oh go away."  I shook my head.

"Hey, what happened to you."  Kirstie walked up to me.  "Seems so bothered by him.  What is it?"

"Nothing.  I just don't like it."

"What, your work?  You did a good job."

"Pretty much everything?"  I sighed.  "But yeah thank you."

"You're welcome."  She rubbed my back.  "Get back together baby girl.  No time for endless debate.  He's your client.  Work on it."

Gah.  But Kirstie was right.  But why...  Oh my gosh can I leave now?  It's double problems I have here.  First, math test in 1 hour.  Second, I just don't like it here.  Kinda allergic.  Not that these guys are rude too or something.  But you know me.  You understand it, right?  No?  If you don't, then feel free to leave.

"Yay Riley you're done for now!"  Connor, who sat by the director's side all the time, gave him a minute.

"You're next, young man."  Melanie smirked at Toby.

"Toby's ready!"  He shouted happily.

"How did I do?"  Riley immmediately came up to me.  Again.  Like can he not.

"I didn't pay attention."  I sighed, walking to the other corner of this rooftop.

"You did.  I saw you."  He followed me pretty much everywhere.

"You probably saw someone else.  It's not me.  It can't be me."  I shook my head.

"Is this the runaway path from your every problem?  Because the more you do it, the more I want to know about you.  I'm not going from your way til you give me chance to prove you that I'm different.  Stop being rude at me." 

"Guess what?  You've been very disturbing.  Like really really disturbing."  I turned around.  "Okay you're my client and we work together til tomorrow.  But fingers crossed I won't see you anymore."

"Orlando is Orlando.  I can find you if I want."  He winked and left for another group scene.

"Dang celebrity.  I hate you."  I whispered to myself.

Oh wow.  An hour has gone.  Math test.  Maaaaath test.  Where's my laptop.

"Mel, I think I should do my test.  It can't wait.  Unless I wouldn't pass the grade.  Please."  I begged her.

"Uhm..."  She looked at Riley.  "But you have to be there when he needs you."

I rolled my eyes because of course he heard that.  "Alright."

"Okay.  At the corner."  She pointed the quiet space but still on the rooftop just in case she or he needs me.

I worked on my test very carefully and fast too.  The stopwatch has been counting down to 45 minutes precisely.  Of course the professor really likes to do plan changing, just as you know it.  I took all pen and paper then started doing it.  I wish you could hear how many voices were inside my head right now.  I can't focus.

Finally.  Today's work has done.  So did my test.  Yeah okay it was fine.  I did fine with math but not sure I will pass it well.  Let's just not think about upcoming stuff.  We still have tomorrow to work.

"Hop in, guys!"  Melanie called all 4 of us the girls and them guys into the van.

"How was your test?"  He, again, all over again, tried to start something.

"Please, math makes me dizzy."  I put my headset on.

"Some fans said our song Soldier can be that calming."

Riley unplugged my headset from my phone then plugged it to his phone.  He knows I don't own any of their songs because not interested to do so.  Then he played Soldier for me, as if it wasn't enough I heard the song a hundred times on set today.  I just rolled my eyes.  He insisted.  Just very insisted.  I lost the battle, with addition of him singing along to his own voice.  Sigh.

But wait.  This song is quite good actually, with him whispering the words directly to my ears...

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