Chapter 7

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"And thaaaaaaat's a wraaaaaaaap!"  The director shouted happily.

"Yes yes!"  Toby danced along.

"Thank you guys for the hard work.  Thank you."

All of them said in unison when I only sat on this couch inside the house where we shooted the video.  They hugged each other.  Of course Riley was there.  After long extended glaring session between us, he let me go for the group hugs.  We nailed it.  The shooting was flawless.  No, to be exact, they nailed it.

"Great job you girlies!"  Melanie gave a group hug too to 4 of us after she left the gentlemen over there.

"Yay thank you!"  Kirstie fistbumped Morgan.

"Aye I'm so so happy!  We did it again."  Morgan added.

"I'm the luckiest person to have the best team!"  Melanie pulled us together in a circle.  "And guess what."

"What."  I replied her.

"They invite us for Dangerous video! Whooooohoo!"  Melanie cheered even louder.

"Not a joke."  I glared everybody.  They only raised their eyebrows.  "Anyone?  Anyone?"

"I'm not sure."  Catarina chuckled.

"And that's so true.  We invite you for a 3 days holiday here in Miami and when we get back, we shoot Dangerous.  How do you take it?"  James approached us.

I know you know that.  Without me knowing, the girls have cheered very loudly and fistbumped the crew right before my eyes.  They left me ridiculously standing alone with shocked expression.  A lot things would happen if Melanie says yes to this extended contract.  First, zero time for school when I exactly know I have tight schedule.  Second, more reasons and time for Riley to keep following me everywhere I go which I'm still not sure if I'm happy or it's irritating me.  Third, please, I need some days off with meaning of we're going home, unpack, sleep normally, and work at the office.  That's what would happen.  But guess, Melanie has said yes.  Welcome to my misery.

"Shouldn't you be happy too or something?"  He walked to me.

"I'm tired."  I sat back on the couch.

"Let's have a rest when we come back.  James told us we're leaving tomorrow morning.  So tonight is your free time."  He kindly rubbed my back and stroked my hair without my permission.

"Stop doing that."  I stepped back.

"I thought you're in need of relaxation."  He replied.  "I'm just being kind."

"You're irritating like for real."  I sighed, seems I lost my words around him.

"Fine, I will still do this til you see it."  Riley winked, which I replied only by groaning lazily.

"Can we leave, Morg?"  I asked her as she walked passing me.

"Yeah.  I'm going back to the bus.  You coming."  She stopped walking.

"Oh you're the hero of the day."  I took my purse and left him alone.

Felt guilty actually.   I told you, I don't know what's so wrong about him but I just hate it.  I hate him for being him.  I hate his celebrity status.  Because I know, when we're done with this, he and the band will go back to their spotlight.  Fans and tours, I'm not into it.  After what happened with me in the past, the last thing I need is fame.  Not planning to date any celebrity just because my kind of expertise is pretty close to theirs.  No, not a chance.  Not with Riley.  Not going to be with Riley.  No.

"You left your phone."  He handed me something when everybody except Morgan was still outside.

"Thanks."  I took it.

"Is that all?"  He smirked.

"Stop watching stupid movies.  None of these things would end up the way you think.  Yes thank you, and yes that is all."  I shrugged him off.

"Take a good rest.  I'll be right behind you."

Nice play you young man.  Riley took a seat by Morgan's side, which was exactly behind me.  Actually he's supposed to be by my left, but I ditched him by turning my back on him.  He didn't rub my back or whisper anything, thankfully.  But his stare, that I could see through the window, has made some big holes on it.  God's sake, I need this guy to stop.  Or God's sake, safe me from this torn feeling.

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