Chapter 5

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Day two. No better than yesterday, I woke up with eyebags on me. So horrible. Last night my head was pounding so hard I couldn't sleep til 3 am. Kirstie kept telling me to close my eyes but my mind went everywhere. Why is video shooting this hard.

"Ready to work?" Kirstie smiled as I walked out from the bathroom.

"After I dry my hair? Yeah." I smirked. "Are we gonna have breakfast downstairs?"

"Mel just made a morning call. Yes they're waiting for us." She made a hair bun.

"With them? Oh yay." I said sarcastically.

"Girl. Hahaha. We've been laughing at you since yesterday. Morgan and Cay even were confused. What happened with you and Riley?"

"You have to see his attitude. So celebrity. I hate that."

"Celebrity how? Haha. First, they are celebrities. Second, I didn't see anything wrong with him. What he did to you?"

"He winked at me, he walked to wherever I walked, he's everything I hate about guys." I combed my hair in rush. "It was a mistake having him as my client."

"Maybe he likes you." Kirstie winked.

"Oh dear muke. No way." I shook my head. "Not even close."

"You never know. And you can't decide. He has all rights to feel so." She smiled at me. "For once, just be kind with him. Give people chance. You're 17."

"You sound like my Mom." I chuckled. "I will give chance, but not to him."

"And it's because...?"

"He's celebrity." I turned around. "Not that I put the highest standard to myself. But I don't see it why I like him or something."

"You'll prove it yourself." Kirstie opened the door. "Cmon Ky."


We took the elevator down to hotel's restaurant for VIP group breakfast just because we brought some celebrities around us. I couldn't move freely. Fans were everywhere. Just one second they saw us having a second free for talk, they'd burst out yelled at you asking where the guys are. For the sake of selfies, of course. I would like to help, but their manager said they need a rest. Chuckle, chuckle.

"Eat more." This guy again, cleared his throat from behind me as I took some fruits from the chef's table.

"None of your concern." I said in short.

"I care about you. Eat something. You need it today. We're gonna work."

"Like doing marathon? I don't need anything."

Then yes, of course, he's still standing by my side all the time concerning about food that I took, that he thought wasn't enough. It was enough, I tell you. I'm not planning to be overweight anytime soon.

"This." Suddenly, in the center of attention, Riley tried to feed me something from his plate.

"Aww..." The rest were cheering.

"Yes move, brother. Yes move." Connor tossed Toby.

I stuttered. What to say now. I was in the middle of this huge table, sitting across everybody. Melanie glanced at me, obviously checking on my reaction. My main concern is Melanie wouldn't mind if I take the bite. She would be upset if I acted like a little kid and scolded him rudely.

"Thank you." I took a bite.

"Good." He smiled. Definitely taking advantage from these people because he knew I would never say no.

"Once more." He kept feeding me.

"Stop it." I scolded him with my teeth grinding. "I'll kill you."

"We can discuss it later. Now you have to eat. So eat." Riley spoke nicely.

"Oh gosh..." I fake a giggle to everyone who saw us, then ate whatever he gave me on his fork.

"That's my girl." He winked.

"Very happy huh." I glared him.

"Very very happy."

I just shook my head to get over it. How embarrasing. I need to talk to him after this. Not funny anymore. He's been humiliating me in front of all crew and yes it's irritating. Enough.

"We need to talk. My room. Now." I groaned. Breakfast has finished. Everybody was still staying at the lobby but instead, I went up back to my room.

"Okay." He said happily. Oh this guy. I'm so very hate him.

We were together in this elevator and I have never been more upset in my life before. I hate everything. Maybe you don't understand why. Neither do I. It's just I don't like the way he pushes himself to be around me for no reason, and no work related.

"Come in." I opened the door.

"What is about?" Riley was easily sitting on our couch, being composed and all.

"I hate you for doing that." My voice started to crack. "Don't do it anymore."

"Why don't you like it when someone cares about you?" He replied immediately.

"Because you're not in this capacity of doing so! Stop making me feel weak about myself. I definitely can do everything by myself." I swept my tears away.

"I told you... Give me chance to prove I'm not like those people out there. I truly care. When I care, I would never let go." He softened his voice.

"Just stop. I don't need your pity. I don't know why you feel pity and all at me." I groaned. "And I'm being serious about that."

"See? You got it wrong. I don't feel sorry about you."

"Then what?! What was that? You fed me like it's important? Oh heck dude, go away!" I held my breath.

"Because you got my attention!" Riley stood up. I was a bit shocked actually.

"I didn't even seek for it so you better give it to another girl!"

"I can't because I like you!"

He walked to where I was and strengthened his grip on my hand. He hurt me with that. But most importantly, we're standing this close to each other and his eyes were glaring at me with any means possible. He was upset. I made him upset. But I was also mad at him for being such a nonsense. I hate being treated this way. I hate to see my hope raised. Because I know I can't control it.

"You hear me Kylie?" His voice was now calmer but deeper.

"I...don't want you to like me. It's impossible to decide you like someone or not at this point. Too early. Too much lies." I took my hands off from him.

"From where I came from, it is possible." He took my hand again. "So stop being all sassy and rude."

"Mind your own life." I threatened him.

"I don't care. The more you act like a pain, the more I will do this." He stared at my eyes. "Try me."

Out of nothing, he pressed his lips on my cheek. I could hear his heartbeats from where I stood. He's being too close. His fingers intertwined mine. We were standing by the window. And after that exhausted debate, he magically calmed me down. My mind told me to fight more. But my body just stood still.

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