Chapter 6

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"What's not to loveeeeeee..." Kirstie spinned the model girl around.

"What's not to be proud of."  I smirked walking up to her to check on her look.  "Beautiful."

"Thank you!"  She cheered.  "You're already beautiful.  Haha.  Good luck!"

"Great job you Kirs."  I wrapped her shoulders.  "Where's Mel?"

"Oh no.  Wrong question.  Where have you been?  We've been hanging around but you were like nowhere to be found."  She stared at me.

"I was at the toilet?"  I said unsure.  "Oh you're not gonna believe this."

"Try me."  Kirstie pulled me to the corner of this house, which was our today's venue for video shooting.

"He said he likes me."  I breathed out, talking carefully in case Riley was near me or something.

"Oh holy freaking banana."  She shut her mouth.  "No joking?"

"No joking."  I shook my head.  "Unfortunately."

"Eh girl you're insane!  You're the luckiest girl on earth!  He likes you!  Should be proud though, you beat everybody out there."  Kirstie whispered.

"No no no.  It's not what I want.  Told you I'm not gonna date celebrity."  I rolled my eyes.  "And not planning to ruin the rule anytime soon."

"You make a rule or you're just being hard at yourself.  Find someone else who's willing to deal with you.  Ky, I bet $100, no one could.  No one but Riley."  Kirstie walked away.  "Maybe you should see, listen, and appreciate."

"Kirs!"  I whispered.

"Ha, I'll get back to you.  A second please."  She waved.

Oh dang.  Why.  Kirstie's words just slapped me repeatedly.  Not that I don't appreciate him...  But...  Hey, do I look like not appreciate him?


"Oh dudeeeeeeee you're so fast."  Toby laughed so loud.

"Just shush you boy."  I sighed.  "I'm not telling you to make it world trending though."

"Muahahaha easy bro easy.  It's just me."  He sit by my side.  "How's that feel?

"Awkward.  I don't know why I fight for her.  She's so rude and I'm not even into any friendship with rude people.  But she's..."

"Pretty?  Indeed."  He nodded.

"Yeah.  And actually I saw her covering up something behind that uncontrollable mood."  I looked at the distance through the window.

"Are we talking about Kylie?"  Connor suddenly showed up.

"Oh no."  I awkwardly covered Toby's mouth.

"Eeeerrrgh...uuuuhmph...yesssrrrggh..."  Toby tried to talk to Connor.

"Aye somebody has a crush."  Connor joined us.  "Kylie's pretty."

"Gosh."  I gave up.  "Alright we should not really talk about this now."

"You wanted to kill me!  I'm telling Mom!"  Toby walked away and pouted.

"Whatever."  I bit my nails staring at this little TV I had in my hands.

The day went awkwardly fine.  Today's work was actually judging the girl model for her role in this video because it's her part.  We have done ours yesterday.  But what's bothering my concern was her existence.  I don't know, something important about this girl has attracted me.  She stood there only with girls' normal tee and cardigan but wow it already drove me crazy.  And the fact I just kissed her cheek this morning...  Oh no.  One single video shooting and I'm falling for her?  Is that it?

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