Chapter 2

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Oh cmon, I have to figure out something, it's already tomorrow for Melanie's assignment.

I woke up to a worst shape of hair, eyebags, sniffy nose.  Worser case?  I'm late again.  It's 7 and I just snapped myself back to the mother earth.  Meeting starts at 8.  Nice.  Where's Mom when I need her.

Urgent surgery.
Breakfast on the table.

A note on the fridge might tell you why I'm up late.  Mom and Dad weren't here since last night.  I was too tired to realize what time they left.  Yeah, you can tell saving people's life is more important than making sure your daughter wake up on time.  I'm 17 anyway. 

"Melanie I'll be there in 15!"  I called her earlier when I drove downtown.

"Hurry!"  She screamed.

"Okaaay okay okay I'm close enough."  I bit my nails.  Lie.  It's traffic before my very own nose.

I finally made it to the office by running from the farest parking lot to the lobby.  Morgan was the first one I met and she glared.  Okay alright I know.  Stop it.

"Done!"  I took a deep breath.  "Where are we?"

"For Connor, I think he will match to a blue jean jacket.  His eyes though."  Catarina started talking.

"Toby?  A shirt."  Morgan nodded too.

"And Riley?"  Melanie asked me.  Dang.

"Uhm...Riley...  Riley Riley, he matches...uhm...  A tee then covered by shirt."  I spoke the very first dumb idea which stumbled in my mind.

"Perfect!"  Melanie cheered.

"Perfect...?"  I asked myself but yeah never mind, as long as boss is happy.

"Guitars have set."  Catarina pointed to couple guitars at the corner of the room.

"Alright guys! Let's go shopping!" Melanie shouted.

We immediately walked out and hopped into her car. All 5 of us including Melanie's driver. So yeah, we drove here and there to one jewelry store to another. Pretty much Catarina and I were trying to find 2 perfect watches for Riley and Toby. It's hard though. We didn't know what they want.

"Actually, when will we do this?" I asked no one in particular.

"Tomorrow, darling." Morgan smirked.

"Tomorrow?!" I screamed the top of my lungs.

"Girl! I still need my ears!" Catarina slapped my hand playfully.

"I have test..." I said slowly, waiting for Melanie's worst reaction.

"Dearly love, we can't cancel. You cancel the test and come to the venue on time, okay?" Melanie asked her driver to stop at one restaurant.

The rest of day, I couldn't stop thinking. How could you pull it off, to have a very important test as well as working a vocalist? Riley is gonna be the main show. Oh shoot.

"Bye byeee!" Morgan took her bag and walked to her car.

"Tomorrow, 6:30!" Melanie waved.

"Bye all..." I said unsure. How could I divide my body into two.

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